Unhappy with your broadband service or ISP?

MyBroadband conducted their latest broadband survey in July, asking users to rate their broadband provider and ADSL Internet Service Provider (ISP).
The survey was completed by 3,072 respondents of which 1,811 were ADSL users, 1,032 were mobile broadband users, and the rest were fixed wireless subscribers.
As part of the survey broadband users were asked whether they are “actively looking for a new broadband service?”.
The percentage of positive (Yes) answers to this question gives an indication of the overall happiness with the service and whether a company can expect a high churn rate in future.
According to the survey results the lowest percentage of subscribers looking for a new service comes from 8ta, followed by 1Mbps and 4Mbps ADSL subscribers.
The results further revealed that more than half of Neotel’s NeoConnect and NeoFlex subscribers are actively looking for a new broadband service.
The table below shows the percentage of users from the various broadband offerings who are actively looking for a different broadband service (lower is better).
Broadband Service | Looking for new service (%) |
8ta HSPA | 11 |
ADSL 1 Mbps | 16 |
ADSL 4 Mbps | 18 |
Cell C HSPA | 18 |
ADSL 10 Mbps | 21 |
MTN HSPA | 27 |
ADSL 384 Kbps | 35 |
iBurst Wireless | 37 |
Telkom WiMax | 44 |
Vodacom HSPA | 46 |
Neotel NeoFlex | 50 |
Neotel NeoConnect | 55 |
To find out how happy people are with their current ADSL service provider and whether they are looking to migrate, all ADSL users were asked “Are you looking to move to a new ADSL ISP?”.
Here Web Africa’s subscribers seem the most content with only 10% of users saying they are looking to move to a new ISP, followed by Afrihost and Openweb.
ISP | Looking for new ISP (%) |
Web Africa | 10 |
Afrihost | 14 |
Openweb | 15 |
MWEB | 16 |
Internet Solutions | 20 |
Cybersmart | 26 |
Telkom Internet | 28 |
Axxess | 35 |