Copyright does not protect Klingon language: fan film creator

Paramount Pictures and CBS Studios filed a lawsuit earlier this year against the makers of Star Trek: Prelude to Axanar, accusing them of copyright infringement, TorrentFreak reported.
The fan project drew the rights-holders’ attention after it crowdfunded over $1 million for the feature-length film.
It raised $638,471 through Kickstarter, and $574,434 on Indiegogo.
CBS and Paramount said they own Star Trek-related settings, characters, species, clothing, colours, shapes, words, short phrases, and the Klingon language.
Axanar productions responded, refuting the claims.
“The names Garth of Izar, Soval, Richard Robau, and John Gill are not protectable, and neither are the words Andorians, Tellarites, Romulans, Axanar, Archanis IV, Q’onoS, Nausicaa, Rigel, Andoria, Tellar Prime, Vulcans, Klingons, Terra, Starship Enterprise, Starfleet, Federation, Starships, Stardate, and Federation or the short phrase ‘beaming up’,” said Axanar.
It also disputed CBS and Paramount’s ability to claim copyright over the Klingon language, which it said is an idea or system.
The full motion is available on DocumentCloud, thanks to The Hollywood Reporter.
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