
This is how Vodacom and MTN’s LTE compares to the rest of the world


OpenSignal, an app which crowdsources network quality information from subscribers on iOS and Android smartphones, has released a report on the state of LTE networks around the world.

The company uses download speed and its own time coverage metric to rank operators and countries.

Time coverage is the proportion of time users have an LTE signal, which OpenSignal said is its proprietary metric for looking at coverage holistically – instead of just as a measurement of geographical reach.

Measured as a percentage, time coverage indicates the proportion of time users spend connected to a particular network.

In its Q4 2015 report, OpenSignal ranked South Africa 39th out of 68 countries for time coverage.

MTN was ranked 101st and Vodacom 105th out of 182 operators globally, with subscribers from both networks seeing time coverage of 62%.

In terms of download speed, South Africa was ranked 59th out of 68 countries, with an average LTE download speed of 8Mbps.

With average download speeds of 11Mbps, Vodacom was ranked 127th, while MTN’s average download speed of 4Mbps landed it in 172nd place.

Stated differently, MTN has the 11th worst LTE speeds in the world, while Vodacom has the 56th worst.

The table below summarises the rankings, coverage, and speeds, while the graph plots how Vodacom and MTN’s LTE networks compare to the rest of the world in terms of speed and coverage.

OpenSignal LTE report Time coverage Download speed
South Africa 39th (62%) 59th (8Mbps)
Vodacom 105th (62%) 127th (11Mbps)
MTN 101st (62%) 172nd (4Mbps)
The ranks above are out of 68 countries, and 182 operators.
OpenSignal LTE report Q4 2015 quadrant graph

OpenSignal LTE report Q4 2015 quadrant graph

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