
Best mobile network in South Africa at the beginning of 2022

Mobile networks

MyBroadband Insights has released the Q1 2022 Mobile Network Quality Report, which shows that MTN has the best mobile network in South Africa.

The report is based on 303,465 speed tests performed by thousands of MyBroadband Speed Test App users across South Africa between 1 January 2022 and 31 March 2022.

The research shows that South Africa had an average mobile download speed of 43.24 Mbps and an average upload speed of 13.87 Mbps.

MTN had the highest average download speed at 73.39 Mbps, followed by Vodacom at 44.32 Mbps, Telkom at 29.43 Mbps, Cell C at 19.60 Mbps, and Rain at 13.60 Mbps.

MTN’s exceptional performance results from a R50 billion network investment which helped it extend coverage, improve network quality, and increase speeds.

The average download speed in South Africa increased from 33.23 Mbps in Q1 2021 to 43.24 Mbps in Q1 2022.

The significant speed increase results from increased network investment and temporary spectrum issued to mobile operators.

The recent spectrum auction, which placed additional spectrum in the hands of operators, will bode well for mobile operators in South Africa.

Best mobile network in South Africa

A “Network Quality Score” was calculated for each network using download speed, upload speed, and latency to determine the best mobile network in South Africa.

The Network Quality Score out of 10 then shows how a network performed in relation to other networks.

MTN reigned supreme with a Network Quality Score of 9.84, followed by Vodacom on 6.58, Telkom on 5.08, Cell C on 4.00, and Rain on 3.90.

The table below provides an overview of the mobile network rankings in South Africa.

Now read: Surprise results in mobile operator customer satisfaction ratings

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