
Don’t get scammed with the iPad 3

There are pretty significant differences between the iPad 2 and iPad 3, but many of them are all but invisible to the naked eye.

That’s assuming you’re even looking at the two devices outside of their packaging.

When the two iPads are inside their respective boxes, it can be very difficult to tell which contains Apple’s latest model tablet PC, and which is the previous generation device.

Such similarity could provide “bait-and-switch” scammers with the ammunition they need to dupe unsuspecting buyers into paying iPad 3 prices for an iPad 2.

Fortunately there are some differences between the boxes that hint at which device will be found inside.

These are easy to spot if you know what to look for:

Element iPad 3 box iPad 2 box
iPad Background Blue water and sky Grey glass with water droplets
iPad Icons 16 13 (missing: Messages, Reminders, Contacts)
Bottom logo iCloud Silver Apple
Model number Starts with “A14” Starts with “A13”
iPad 3 and iPad 2 boxes side-by-side

Left to right: iPad 3 box, iPad 2 box

Once the device is out of the packaging it actually becomes more difficult to determine whether it is an iPad 2 or iPad 3.

Though the iPad 3 had a slightly bigger rear camera and is slightly thicker and heavier, these aren’t easy to gauge if the devices aren’t compared side-by-side.

iPad 3 vs iPad 2 camera size

iPad 3 vs iPad 2 camera size

For those who are holding an iPad for the first time, the only way to know for sure whether you’re holding “the new iPad” or an iPad 2 is to check the model number.

This can be found on the back of the device or in the iPad Settings app under General->About->Regulatory. As above, if the model number starts with “A14” it’s an iPad 3, while an iPad 2 will have a model number starting with “A13”.

iPad/iOS model number location

iPad/iOS model number location

Provided the iPads still have their default backgrounds, it may be possible to see which device it is from the wallpaper.

As on the box cover, the iPad 2 has a grey background while the iPad 3’s default is a blue background.

If the device was restored from a backup, these could be overridden, however.

iPad 2 background versus iPad 3 background

iPad 2 background versus iPad 3 background

Yet another difference between the iPad 2 and the iPad 3 is that the iPad 3 has a dictation feature. The dictation key only appears with the iPad 3, as shown below.

It should be noted that just like the wallpaper, this isn’t a sure-fire way to spot an iPad 3 as users are asked whether they want to enable the feature when they set up the device for the first time.

iPad 3 dictaphone

iPad 3 dictaphone

It would be remiss to not mention the iPad 3’s greater display pixel density in a discussion comparing the device to its predecessors.

Though it may be difficult for new users to spot the difference between iPad displays if the devices aren’t side-by-side, seasoned iPad users may notice the improved quality of the display.

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