
SA crypto arbitrage continues to outperform

Cape Town-based company Future Forex is using an arbitrage investment strategy to achieve one of the best investor returns relative to risk on the South African market for their clients.

Future Forex, an authorised Financial Services Provider (51884) for currency remittance, estimates that clients can make up to R150,000 annually via their automated and low-risk investment.

At the time of writing, Future Forex has processed more than R2.4 billion in trades, has generated an average annualised return of over 90% for its clients and has a track record of 100% client profitability.

Future Forex allows clients to maximise their returns with minimal risk through a process called digital asset arbitrage.

Digital assets, such as Bitcoin, typically trade at a 2% to 4% premium in South Africa.

This means that R100,000 worth of Bitcoin in America will cost you approximately R103,000 to buy on South African exchanges.

Future Forex capitalises on this market inefficiency by sending money abroad for its clients, buying the Bitcoin abroad for R100,000 and then selling the same Bitcoin in South Africa for R103,000, allowing their clients to profit off the price difference.

This process is repeated multiple times throughout the year for each client, resulting in an average annual Return on Investment of over 90% per client since inception.

The below graph shows Future Forex clients’ crypto arbitrage returns since the start of last year, compared with other investment options.

The graph shows the returns that would have been earned through each investment, starting with an initial investment of R200,000 on 1 January 2021.

Harry Scherzer, a qualified actuary, and CEO of Future Forex, says that Future Forex has developed a fully hedged trading system that ensures clients are not exposed to any foreign exchange or digital asset fluctuations when performing digital asset arbitrage.

“A focal point for our team has been ensuring that the risk is minimised wherever possible.”

“Our fully hedged system ensures that there are no market risks to investors as the profits are known at the outset of any trade”, says Scherzer.

This ensures that service is price agnostic, meaning that you will still make money regardless of whether Bitcoin doubles or halves in price while trading.

Unlike buying actual digital assets, which are very volatile, investing in digital asset arbitrage is a low-risk process.

Profit from digital asset arbitrage is dependent on the amount invested per year, and the amount of annual foreign exchange allowance utilised.

South Africans are permitted by law to send up to R11 million abroad per calendar year.

This comprises a R1 million Single Discretionary Allowance and a R10 million Foreign Investment Allowance.

When investing in digital asset arbitrage, a portion of your foreign exchange allowance is used each time your funds are sent abroad to purchase digital assets.

Future Forex’s in-house tax team and partner tax practitioner do all the applications and allowance tracking for you at no cost.

This allows a profit of approximately R150,000 per individual, and R300,000 per married couple per year.

Future Forex has developed systems to streamline the trading process, making the experience as passive as possible.

Clients are assisted in registering a Future Forex account, and in opening a foreign exchange account with Mercantile Bank (a division of Capitec).

Once the initial setup has been completed, Future Forex will monitor the market conditions and using their proprietary software, initiate trades for clients when conditions are favourable.

Future Forex only earns fees when its clients make a profit.

To ensure that their clients’ interests are aligned with their own, Future Forex takes a percentage of profits earned rather than charging management fees.

Clients receive detailed statements highlighting their return and the costs involved at the completion of each trading cycle, and their investment funds can be accessed at any time upon request.

R100,000 is the minimum investment amount required to get started with Future Forex.

Future Forex has experienced extremely rapid growth owning to the service they provide clients in generating exceptional low-risk returns.

With a dedicated team of 23 professionals, Future Forex is poised to provide market-beating returns for South African clients.

If you would like to invest in this exceptional opportunity, you can visit https://futureforex.co.za/register to get started.

Alternatively, contact the Future Forex team on [email protected] or 021 518 0558 to learn more.

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