NEWORDER – Bridging the Cyber Resilience gap for South African businesses

NEWORDER, the #1 Cyber Resilience lifestyle brand in Africa, recently hosted the industry’s first Cyber Awareness Event focused on creating awareness among individuals and organisations by involving the whole family to display how taking risks can lead to negative outcomes and how being prepared can help mitigate these risks.
The event featured a line-up of highly skilled international Freestyle Motocross athletes.
Freestyle Motocross is all about lots of noise, big jumps, big engines, and big wipe-outs, similar to organisations spending a substantial percentage of revenue on cybersecurity, not appointing the correct cyber resilient partner or trusted advisor and subsequently suffering significant financial losses coupled with potential reputational damage.
There is no doubt that visuals are often more effective than text when learning about complex topics.
Therefore, In the same way professional Freestyle Motocross riders dedicate themselves to years of continuous practice, as do cybersecurity, forensic and digital forensic experts, to build credible reputations as experts in their relevant fields.
Cybersecurity and forensic disciplines can be opaque to outsiders, but those who dedicate themselves to it know it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to succeed.
Although cyberattacks can be executed through many different means, the human element is often the weakest link, predominantly due to individuals not understanding the potential consequences of their actions.
The experience
As a specialist Cyber Resilient brand with over two decades of experience in information security, cybersecurity, and digital forensics, NEWORDER offers hands-on knowledge and support that you can trust.
The NEWORDER team’s unrivalled expertise and continuous involvement in the international information and cybersecurity arena have earned them a reputation as an industry leader.
As a result, their customers benefit from technical expertise and their ability to challenge mediocrity by deploying practical and cost-effective solutions that yield maximum ROI.
NEWORDER understands that organisations today are constantly challenged with the need to safeguard their information and digital assets as well to protect their customers, employees and stakeholders against ever-growing cyber threats.
The NEWORDER Corporate Cyber Threat Protection framework provides organisations with the needed insight into their actual cyber resilient posture.
In addition, the custom-developed framework further verifies whether best practices and adequate cybersecurity measures are in place to mitigate and minimise the impact of known and unknown cyber risks.
As a result, NEWORDER empowers their customers with the insight and security they need to operate safely in the digital age through its range of professional and managed services.
Leading Technology Partners
Most organisations face the possibility of being targeted by organised, sophisticated, and determined cybercriminals, thus making it imperative to continuously educate themselves to improve their organisation’s cyber resilient posture effectively.
Attack surfaces are constantly increasing and changing, making it more difficult for cybersecurity teams to stay ahead of the onslaught.
With cloud migration and the work-from-home boom dramatically increasing the number of targets, imitating the attacker’s strategy has never been more critical to proactively identify potential areas of risk.
NEWORDER has partnered with world-renowned security solutions provider Rapid7 to complement their professional and managed services.
The range of toolsets and platforms offered by Rapid7 is crucial to managing your attack surface and risk exposure effectively.
Cybercrime, industrial espionage, or any other kind of breach of IT systems is always unexpected as the cybercriminals orchestrating these attacks don’t work according to playbooks.
However, these attacks can be prevented by proactively implementing Rapid7 supported by NEWORDER managed professional services.
Rapid7 has been recognised as one of the fastest-growing cybersecurity companies by Inc Magazine, and its products are top-rated by Gartner, Forrester, and SC Magazine.
Its solutions cover various security layers – including network security, application security, operations, and analysis and compliance.
Industry Partners
Whether it’s a corporate network breach, internal data theft, intellectual property incident, email-based fraud, ransomware, and extortion, having the appropriate response team on call is key to business continuity.
NEWORDER has built a digital forensic and incident response capability on a strategic partner model with Forensicworx, Redcipher and LS-Incorporated.
Combining expert information security and cybersecurity expertise with digital forensic and legal expertise makes us uniquely positioned to provide an end-to-end forensic solution.
As digital forensics is a specialist science field with minimal skilled and trustworthy resources, this business model offers experts in digital forensic investigations, cryptography investigations, digital forensic products, and expert testimony and litigation in a court of law.
A new focus target for cybercriminals is cyber insurance-related fraud. Of course, organised insurance crime and fraud have always been a problem in the insurance industry, but now that insurance fraud is directly linked to digital data and information has opened a new playfield for criminals.
The Insurance Crime Bureau is a non-profit company dedicated to fighting organised insurance crimes and fraud.
Investigating insurance fraud involves a collaborative effort between the Insurance Crime Bureau, insurance companies and their internal insurance fraud investigation units as the nodal point for crime being committed across the industry and affecting multiple companies, with the cooperation of the South African Police Service.
The ultimate goal of the Insurance Crime Bureau, therefore, is to create a joint initiative for the whole insurance industry and other related stakeholders to address crime and fraud through the sharing of information.
The Insurance Crime Bureau also provides a platform for the public to safely and anonymously report fraudulent activities or suspected insurance crimes through the toll-free insurance Fraudline 0860 002525 or email: [email protected]
The changing landscape for Threat Analytics
When it comes to threat data analytics and threat hunting, there are two distinct business models.
Firstly, enterprises have invested in technologies to perform their own threat data analytics and threat hunting.
Secondly, enterprises outsource this function to a managed services provider that provides the service without the upfront investment to purchase the technologies.
On either side of these business models, the same problem exists.
The lack of highly skilled resources that understand the technology to configure and optimise properly and ultimately have the knowledge on how the criminal underworld functions.
NEWORDER understands how cybercriminals operate and how attack vectors evolve and mutate.
To put this unique skillset and knowledge to good use, we have invested in N3WC0D3 Managed Information Security, an IBM professional services entity based in South Africa.
The primary business objective is to assist organisations and managed service providers in maximising their IBM QRadar Security Intelligence Platforms or IBM Guardium deployments.