
What is Easy Ecommerce? How a Partnership is Accelerating Online Business Success

In today’s digital landscape, establishing a robust online presence is crucial for the growth and prosperity of small businesses.

However, navigating the complexities of ecommerce can be challenging and resource-intensive.

Recognising this need, online payment provider iKhokha, smart shipping solutions company Bob Go, and e-commerce UI/UX website design experts Stone Hut Designs have come together to form an exciting collaboration that aims to provide small businesses in South Africa with an affordable and seamless end-to-end e-commerce solution.

Free Webinar: Learn from Industry Experts

As part of their plan to make ecommerce more accessible to SMEs, the partners will host a comprehensive Easy Ecommerce webinar designed to empower small businesses with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in the online marketplace.

Easy Ecommerce is not your average webinar. It is a unique opportunity for small business owners to tap into the expertise of industry leaders.

During the webinar, representatives from iKhokha, Bob Go, and Stone Hut Designs will share their valuable insights on ecommerce website UI/UX design, online payments, and logistics best practices, respectively.

Attendees will gain valuable knowledge and practical tips, helping them make informed decisions and overcome common challenges when venturing into the world of ecommerce.

Access Key Information to Fuel Online Growth

The Easy Ecommerce webinar is tailored to address the specific needs of small businesses in South Africa.

By participating, entrepreneurs will gain access to key information and strategies that can significantly enhance their online presence and drive growth.

From optimising website UI/UX design to facilitating secure online payments and ensuring efficient logistics management, attendees will learn the essential elements necessary for a successful ecommerce operation.

Easy Ecommerce: Jumpstart Your Online Journey

In addition to the invaluable knowledge shared during the webinar, ten attendees will have the chance to access an exclusive ecommerce jumpstart package, valued at over R50,000.

This complete package includes:

  • Professional website UI/UX design
  • Mobile and SEO optimisation
  • WooCommerce Integration
  • Product integration and information web pages
  • Payment integration with iKhokha
  • Shipping integration with Bob Go
  • Trial account & free Gold subscription from Bob Go worth R5997 (3 months)
  • 20% off transaction rates on iKhokha’s payment gateway (3 months)

Priced at R20 000, the Easy Ecommerce jumpstart affords businesses the opportunity to kickstart their online ventures at a fraction of the usual investment.

Offering a considerable saving on the costs to launch an ecommerce operation, it is the most affordable and accessible way to establish a strong ecommerce presence in South Africa today.

Join Easy Ecommerce and Unlock Your Online Potential

Easy Ecommerce serves as a gateway for small businesses in South Africa to unlock the vast potential of online commerce.

By participating in the webinar, entrepreneurs will gain valuable insights from industry experts, access essential information to fuel their online businesses, and stand a chance to access a jumpstart that’ll supercharge their online journey.

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your business and establish a formidable online presence.

Sign up here for the free Easy Ecommerce webinar today to secure your spot.

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