dotAfrica launch frustrated by new court case

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann) board has passed a resolution in favour of the ZA Central Registry (ZACR) claim on running the .africa domain.
According to the ZACR, Icann confirmed that a DCA Trust application for .africa did not have sufficient government support as required by the Applicant Guidebook.
“As a result, the DCA application has been rendered ineligible for further review or evaluation,” the ZACR said.
Icann then authorised .africa to be operated by the ZACR, pursuant to the Registry Agreement signed on 24 March 2014.
However, DCA did not allow the matter to rest.
“During the weeks leading up to the board resolution, we had already become aware of various attempts by DCA to further challenge and frustrate the delegation of .africa to the ZACR using the US court system,” said the ZACR.
DCA has now approached the US courts for assistance.
According to the ZACR, DCA cited a number of unsubstantiated and spurious claims against Icann, ZACR, and the AUC.
On 27 January, a California court dismissed an attempt by DCA to seek a temporary restraining order against Icann preventing the delegation of .africa to the ZACR.
DCA will continue its legal challenge against Icann, said the ZACR – adding that the challenge is illegal.
“A US district court is scheduled to hear arguments on DCA’s motion for a preliminary injunction on 4 April 2016,” said the ZACR.
“DCA obtained a temporary restraining order against Icann, preventing any delegation of .africa until the hearing date.”
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