
How to keep safe in your car in South Africa

Car driver

The AA has released a list of tips to keep motorists safe while using their vehicles.

“Personal safety in the car is often neglected, placing motorists and their passengers in danger,” said the AA.

“Whether you are going on a short trip or a long journey, it’s always a good idea to ensure you are equipped to deal with any emergency you may encounter.”

The association provided the following tips which it said will help keep motorists safe.

  • Tell someone where you are driving to and when you should arrive.
  • Ensure your tyres and brakes are in good condition.
  • Avoid driving in dimly-lit areas or areas you are unfamiliar with.
  • Ensure your cellphone has adequate battery life in case of emergency.
  • Pack handbags, laptops, and valuables in the boot of the car.
  • Take note of suspicious cars near your place of work and home.
  • Look around before opening gates to your home.
  • Keep shrubs and bushes around your driveway trimmed.
  • If you think you are being followed, circle the block before stopping. If followed, drive to a police station.
  • Do not get out of your vehicle if you are the victim of a smash-and-grab.
  • Do not resist hijackers taking your vehicle, keep your hands visible, and be as calm as possible. If there is a child in the car, ask if the child may leave or you make take the child out.

The AA said it offers various safety services to members who find themselves in need of assistance.

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