New DDoS attack reaches over 400Gbps and 200 million pps

Cloudflare has detected a new DDoS botnet which attacked targets with traffic peaking at over 400Gbps and 200 million packets per second (Mpps).
“On November 23, our systems detected and mitigated an attack that peaked at 172Mpps and 400Gbps,” said Cloudflare.
The next day the same thing happened again, and on the third day the attacker managed to peak the attack at over 480Gbps.
“The attacker just kept this up day after day. Right through Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and into this week.”
“Night after night attacks were peaking at 400Gbps and hitting 320Gbps for hours on end.”
The attacks were not coming from the Mirai botnet, noted Cloudflare.
“They are using different attack software and are sending very large L3/L4 floods aimed at the TCP protocol.”
“The attacks are also highly concentrated in a small number of locations mostly on the US west coast.”
Cloudflare mitigated the attacks without impact on its customers, it said.