R75-million in fibre for Benoni by DFA

Dark Fibre Africa (DFA) is deploying a fibre infrastructure in excess of R75-million in and around the Benoni metropolitan area.
DFA boasts that it has become the largest open access fibre infrastructure provider in Southern Africa with an expenditure plan in excess of R3.5-billion countrywide.
The socio-economic benefits of fibre optic networks are vast, with DFA saying that affordable broadband contributes to increased economic activity.
DFA said that open access broadband also stimulates competition within the telecommunications market, ultimately reducing Internet costs.
Dark Fibre Africa CEO Gustav Smit explained that they merely provide the open fibre infrastructure. “This enables licensed operators like Vodacom, MTN, Cell C and Internet service providers (ISPs) like Internet Solutions and MWEB to give communities easier access to the network at much greater speeds.”