
Rain launches business uncapped 5G product

Mobile network operator Rain has launched a business package based on its RainOne products that includes unlimited 5G data and five 4G SIMs.

Rain told MyBroadband that RainOne Work was designed to help small businesses stay connected while allowing them to control their spending with a single plan for work fixed wireless broadband and mobile connectivity.

The standard package starts at R795 for uncapped 5G at 30Mbps and 5 SIM cards with 2GB of data, 60 minutes and 100 SMS each.

This is identical to the standard RainOne offering, apart from charging an additional R200 for three extra SIMs.

Customers have the option of upgrading the speed of their package to either 60Mbps or 100Mbps.

Upgrading to 60Mbps is an additional R200 per month. The 100Mbps upgrade is an extra R400.

There are also five levels of data and minutes upgrades customers can choose from.

Customers can upgrade the data per SIM card, ranging from 3GB to 7GB per month.

Minutes can be upgraded in increments of 30 minutes per level, reaching a maximum of 210 minutes.

Customers also have access to the zero-rated RainGo platform, allowing users to assign SIMs and top them up.

When comparing prices to other uncapped 5G products available on the market, it is challenging to isolate the 5G offering from the costs incurred by the additional SIMs.

The additional R200 paid for RainOne Work only accounts for the three extra SIMs.

The most affordable uncapped 5G packages from rival services like Afrihost, Axxess, MTN, and Telkom start at R449 and go up to around R1,000.

However, these plans have fair usage policies (FUPs) that limit speeds after a certain monthly consumption.

For example, the entry-level option from Axxess only supports speeds of up to 500Mbps for the first 300GB of usage. After this is used, speeds are throttled to 2Mbps.

For R599 per month, slightly more than RainOne’s entry-level plan, this threshold increases to 450GB.

Afrihost’s Pure 5G uncapped packages on MTN’s network start at R60 more than Rain’s 30Mbps plans.

While this option offers 20Mbps higher speeds, it comes with an FUP of 1TB, after which speeds are throttled to 1Mbps for the rest of a month.

RainOne Work package options

The table below shows the package options for RainOne Work.

Package 5G Speed 4G SIMs Price per month
Data Minutes SMSs
Standard 30Mbps 2 GB 60 min 100 R795
5G Speed options
60Mbps 60Mbps +R200
100Mbps+ 100Mbps+ +R400
4G SIM options
Level 1 3 GB 90 min 100 +R150
Level 2 4 GB 120 min 100 +R300
Level 3 5 GB 150 min 100 +R450
Level 4 6 GB 180 min 100 +R600
Level 5 7 GB 210 min 100 +R750

RainOne price comparison

The table below compares the speeds, FUPs, and prices of RainOne plans with those available from Afrihost, Axxess, MTN, Supersonic, and Telkom. RainOne Work effectively adds three mobile SIMs for R200.

Uncapped 5G packages
Package Speed Fair usage policy (FUP) Price
Axxess Standard 5G Up to 500Mbps After 300GB usage: throttled to 2Mbps R449
RainOne 30Mbps Up to 30Mbps None R595
Axxess Advanced 5G Up to 500Mbps After 450GB usage: throttled to 2Mbps R599
Axxess Pro 5G Best-effort (Up to 500Mbps) After 600GB usage: throttled to 2Mbps R699
Telkom 5G Internet 70Mbps Up to 50Mbps After 1TB usage: throttled to 4Mbps for 50GB, then 2Mbps R699
MTN Home Ultra Up to 60Mbps After 800GB usage: throttled to 10Mbps R699
Supersonic Home 5G Lite Best-effort After 400GB usage: throttled to 2Mbps R699
Afrihost Pure 5G 50Mbps Up to 50Mbps After 1TB usage: throttled to 1Mbps R749
RainOne 60Mbps Up to 60Mbps None R795
Afrihost Pure 5G 100Mbps Up to 100Mbps After 1TB usage: throttled to 1Mbps R849
Axxess Pro+ 5G Best-effort After 1TB usage: throttled to 2Mbps R899
Afrihost Pure 5G Unlimited Best-effort (Average of 246Mbps) After 1TB usage: throttled to 1Mbps R949
RainOne 100Mbps+ Best-effort (Average over 100Mbps) None R995
MTN Home Infinite Best-effort After 1.5TB usage: throttled to 5Mbps R999
Supersonic Home 5G Premium Best-effort After 1TB usage: throttled to 2Mbps R999
Telkom 5G Internet 100Mbps Up to 100Mbps After 2TB usage: throttled to 4Mbps for 50GB, then 2Mbps R999
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