
Huawei 5G test achieves 1Gbps download speed

Huawei CPE 5G

Huawei has performed a 5G network test at MWC 2019 using its 5G LampSite Pro and a 5G CPE Pro modem.

This was the first time that Huawei has demonstrated its 5G indoor coverage network using one of its new routers.

At their peak, the live results reached a downlink rate of over 1Gbps, with 100MHz of bandwidth and 4T4R technology used.

The 5G LampSite Pro is pitched by Huawei as a powerful solution for covering airports, railway stations, stadiums, shopping malls, subways, and campuses with 5G connectivity.

It has already been deployed in multiple scenarios, such as at the Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station in China.

The 5G CPE Pro modem was recently released at MWC 2019, and can handle speeds of up to 3.2Gbps.

“Huawei continues to invest in 5G technologies and provides the best products and solutions to help operators build 5G networks quickly and efficiently,” said Huawei.

Huawei 5G test

Huawei 5G test 2

Now read: 5G routers – The speeds they can deliver

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