Bad news about load-shedding in South Africa
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has released its annual statistics on power generation in South Africa for 2020.
The statistics reveal that load-shedding occurred for 859 hours of the year (9.8%) despite a reduction in...
CSIR launches MEME Internet broadcast platform
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has developed a software solution that enables content creators to have their own Mobile Internet broadcast platform where the content will be accessible to anyone with a smart device.
CSIR unveils world’s first digital laser
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research announced the development of the world’s first digital laser
South African fire detection tech to assist Angola
A South African fire detection system will be used to deal with Angola’s wildfire problem, the CSIR said on Wednesday.
Want it? Make it. That’s the possibility of 3D printing
It looks as if a world where everything from hearts to cars can be made at the touch of a button may not be so far away
TV white spaces broadband network launching soon
A pilot project which will use TV white spaces spectrum to build a broadband network capable of high speeds here soon
10Gbps SANReN Tshwane fibre optic network officially launched
R36 million Tshwane fibre optic network which was completed in March officially launched by CSIR and Department of Science and Technology