
Uncapped ADSL pricing comparison

Uncapped ADSL money

On Tuesday 17 April MWEB slashed the price of its 1Mbps uncapped ADSL data accounts from R299 per month to R199 per month. It was not long before the other ISPs responded.

On the same day Openweb announced that it was reducing the price of its uncapped products as well, and the next day launched its first 10Mbps uncapped ADSL product priced at R1,649 per month.

Later in the week Axxess followed suit, reducing the price of their 1Mbps uncapped ADSL service to R196 per month and also cutting the price of its 384kbps service to R169 per month.

The new products and lower prices raise the question of how the various ISPs offering uncapped products compare on price.

The following table provides an overview of the main uncapped products from the country’s largest residential ISPs.

Uncapped ADSL pricing comparison
Service/ISP Network Cost
384kbps uncapped ADSL
Axxess Internet Solutions R169
Openweb Internet Solutions R159
Telkom Telkom R219
Web Africa Web Africa R179
Afrihost Internet Solutions R197
1Mbps uncapped ADSL
Axxess Internet Solutions R196
Openweb Internet Solutions R191
Telkom Telkom R369
Web Africa Web Africa R289
Afrihost Internet Solutions R297
4Mbps uncapped ADSL
Axxess Internet Solutions R496
Openweb Internet Solutions R469
Web Africa Web Africa R599
Afrihost Internet Solutions R497
10Mbps uncapped ADSL
Axxess Internet Solutions R1,599
Openweb Internet Solutions R1,649
Web Africa Web Africa R1,699

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