DStv prices over the years
The price of DStv’s premium bouquet has increased from R305.60 per month in 2000 to the current R590 per month.
Many consumers have criticized MultiChoice in the past for the high cost of the DStv premium bouquet and for increasing their DStv pricing annually. This criticism seems to have made MultiChoice sensitive about their DStv pricing and annual price increases.
When asked for DStv pricing over the last decade, MultiChoice’s official PR channel told MyBroadband that this information is not available.
According to MultiChoice, they changed their systems in 2007 and all information prior to that date is not available any longer.
This information was curiously available through another MultiChoice channel, which may well point to the fact that the company is not keen to have this information in the public domain.
It is however in the public interest to have this information freely available, and the following table provides an overview of the DStv premium price changes since the turn of the century.
Year | Price | Increase percentage |
2000 | 305.60 | — |
2001 | 325.69 | 6.57% |
2002 | 349.00 | 7.16% |
2003 | 360.00 | 3.15% |
2004 | 379.00 | 5.28% |
2005 | 399.00 | 5.28% |
2006 | 419.00 | 5.01% |
2007 | 439.90 | 4.99% |
2008 | 469.00 | 6.62% |
2009 | 499.00 | 6.40% |
2010 | 529.00 | 6.01% |
2011 | 559.00 | 5.67% |
2012 | 590.00 | 5.55% |
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