cell c speedstick

  1. D

    Cell C Speed stick problem - software upgrade

    Hi, I am also experiencing problems. Using Windows 7, Cellc speed HUAWEI model E1752. I download the software, run the update and receive "Error code:12, Get device information failed". Called Cell C tech support they suggested I retry and on failure take it to a Cell C store. I called the Cell...
  2. C

    still having problems with i7 processor

    my cell C speed stick still wont work! has anyone managed to make it work with an i7 processors....anyone know where i can get the digital drivers from?
  3. P

    Different 3G data usage and top up

    Hi has anyone ever experienced this, I have 2 computers where I connect to the internet my home PC, and occasionally my laptop (once this month) I received an sms saying I have 250MB left and need to recharge, yet my Cellc software has 534MBup/3.28GB down, my laptop has 19Mbup/90MB down. I do...
  4. morkhans

    3G/HSPA/LTE Routers

    I'm going to try and collect all router information here about what people have got working. If you get a router working please post the model, firmware and any tricks you needed to make things work. Also post the model of the Cell C modem you have and if things like SMS / USSD is supported...
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