10 worst TV series ever created

But but Hawaii Five-0 is actually very entertaining :(
Nope on Cavemen.

That was one of the funniest and most intelligent comedies I have ever watched. Problem is, it was too intelligent for it's audience and was competing with Big Bang Theory.

Same goes for Hidden Hills... Funniest show ever.
The worst TV shows are ones that you have probably never even heard of.
Tried to watch Knight Rider (2008), it was dire, but Hawaii Five-0 is so much worse.

I cringe just thinking of Knight Rider (2008). Transporter was better but not by much.

I agree that Hawaii Five-O is bad and very surprised it has lasted this long.
Anyone remember a local game show called Walk the Plank? Man that was ***.
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There's been many one laugh sitcoms recently.

2 broke girls is one of them.
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