DStv False Advertising


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2004
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Johannesburg, South Africa.
Full disclosure: I already complained about this via two phone calls to Multichoice and a complaint on hellopeter.com. Followed up with a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority.

I was a DStv subscriber for about 10 years, but it started to get annoying and the Internet started serving more and more of my info and entertainment needs. But I decided to get something to keep my new kid's mom entertained :) and
I bought a DSD1131 decoder in December.

So why am I here? I seem to be the only one bitchin' about this, is all. Anybody else seen the wallet-sized fold-out brochure that comes with the DStv decoders? Very expensively printed full-colour jobbie detailing all the bouquets with their associated channels. So I saw that DStv Select (1 or 2) comes with Sony Entertainment Television. Put together with Series and Universal, that is enough for the lady, and I enjoy a bit of David Letterman now and then, so I sign up.

But guess what? E-16 on Sony. WTF? So I call them. First consultant tells me she's sending out a reset code to fix it, should be sorted in 5 minutes. 30 pass. So I call back. Second consultant tells me "you don't get Sony on DStv Select." "But it says you do right here in this brochure thingy," I explain. "Sir, I'm on DStv.com and it says nothing about Sony on DStv Select." "Well, I don't know, I'm not looking at DStv.com, I'm looking at this lovely brochure you printed and included in the box, and it is included." And this goes round and round - apparently it doesn't matter what material I have in my hands, they haven't seen it, aren't aware of it, and that's the end of the story. But it's not, you see, because you don't see something advertised, sign up for it and then go away when it's half delivered. You want the full product. Or at least an explanation. An acknowledgement? An apology for the acknowledged error? A box of chocolates? Okay, I'm going too far. But I wasn't just going to be shooed away. So I asked for the person responsible for printing the brochure, was put on hold, then promptly given their main switchboard number. Which is only open during office hours. Talk about going straight to the top...

Okay, so no interest in engaging on the topic within Multichoice, so I posted a complaint on hellopeter.com. [Holy Cow, just tried to find the link by simply browsing through complaints to get to 26 Dec. After 6 pages of complaints I had to try another approach!] HERE it is.

But no need to follow the link. In summary, I was told that "Sony Entertainment Television is not offered, and has never been offered as part of the DStv Select 1 bouquet." What am I, a liar or an illiterate? Then I'm instructed to send them a copy to investigate. What am I, your personal detective service or research intern? YOU printed the *&! Damn thing! I don't think so. You can't keep track of your own marketing campaigns, then YOU make the effort. I even gave the name of the person who "signed" the campaign off - Graham Pfuhl, head of Marketing or some such nonsense, but they couldn't just ask him about it, no, I must scan or fax this document for their convenience. I think not.

So I topped off my cream pie with a disgruntled moan cherry to the Advertising Standards Authority. It didn't have to go that far - just get the book on customer service. Now a quiet rant here.

So, to the point then: Has anyone else in this hard-core chic geek boutique seen the stupid brochure I'm talking about?
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The Devil does not have a conscience and regrets none of the lies he told.
Perhaps the Sony Entertainment offered in the Select packages is the new Sony channel that will be replacing Animax channel. It will only start airing on 1 February 2011. Don’t think ASA will do anything as they clearly state on the bottom right hand corner “(E & OE) Multichoice reserves the right to replace or remove channels from the DStv Bouquets as stipulated in this leaflet.”
They removed channel 123 since last I subscribed. I'm a bit angry, but not hellopeter angry.:) I understand your frustration though.
I think your arguement would hold more weight if you provided the copy of the said brochure.

As far as the matter is concerned, without the brochure, it is simply your word against theirs.

You know how it is in criminal law, the accused is assumed innocent until proven guilty.

Sadly, the onus is on you to provide the incriminating evidence. Otherwise, you have no case.
Oh, I don't mind providing the evidence, got it with me :) I do mind being told to present the information to the people who created it, that's all. Gladly put it up here or give it to anyone else who needs it.
I think your arguement would hold more weight if you provided the copy of the said brochure.

As far as the matter is concerned, without the brochure, it is simply your word against theirs.

You know how it is in criminal law, the accused is assumed innocent until proven guilty.

Sadly, the onus is on you to provide the incriminating evidence. Otherwise, you have no case.

A criminal case, I think that people are over complicating this. First of all did the pamphlet say Sony Entertainment Televeision, or simply Sony. A new Sony chanel launches soon. Next, it could simply be an error. Also most adverts in SA are simply deemed to be an invitation to do business, not a legal offer. Also, at most this would be a civil matter.
Thanks, cr@zydude - I'm not looking at anything criminal about this - that would be over-stating it, I think. I'm just not happy with them not knowing their derrieres from their faces and trying to shrug it off. And, like the devil, no apologies either :D [thanks, Garyvdh].

However, you do bring up an interesting point about the "new" Sony channel. I'll have to go back to the brochure, which is at home, but I think I recall an S.E.T. logo. I'll upload a pic or a link tonight, for those of you interested.
@briantw pleassse pleasse please take a good photo of the brochure/scan with the Sony bit advertised and post it on this site.

Upload Picture Instructions
1. On the top right of this website, click on your user-name, this will bring up your profile.
2. Then on the left, there will be a link to albums with a more link next to it.
3. Once the picture is uploaded, make it accessible to the public and then view it.
4. While viewing it, right click on the picture and choose "copy path" or similar in that pop-up menu.
5. Then create a new post in here and paste the path to that picture in here.

We can take this complaint really far and potentially have a lot of fun with it once a pichure is up.
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davemc, It didn't take much to twist my arm. I will get my derriere home and put it up here. You need two pics - one of the full brochure unfolded, and another close-up of the offering. C ya later :)
Dstv's interactive service also briefly advertised the channel on the aforementioned bouquet but has subsequently removed it due to it being incorrect. NO channel from Sony, including the one launching next month, has been added or will be added to the bouquet in the foreseeable future. A similar incident occurred when Vuzu was advertised in a similar manner like this but after they said it was a mistake, nothing happened but they continued distributing the incorrect pamphlet, but with a free sachet of coffee as well. Has to be noted that Vuzu was added to the package 11 months later as part of dstv buffing up their packages in anticipation for toptv
Dunno about Vuzu being added to Select - I don't have it. Maybe Compact? Anyway, I didn't get an apology or a sachet of coffee. I want my coffee! :p

Anyway, about to upload the pamphlet / brochure...

They shot themselves in the foot with that foot note under E & OE. All was correct when this went to print. So as long as you can claim it never was and you bought it based on the fact that you get Sony on your Select option then you have a case.

That being said, don't let them say sorry. Make them supply you with Sony on your current subscription till YOU decide to either upgrade your package close the account all together.
Well, I got this canned response now via e-mail. It's the one they send when you complain about programmes not starting on time. Sigh.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, DStv will make last minute changes to the channel schedule.

We apologise for this inconvenience and encourage viewers to check the DStv website (www.dstv.co.za) for the most up-to-date scheduling information.

As far as possible channels try to adhere to the channel schedules as printed in the TV Magazine. However, channel schedules are prepared months in advance,

As we are aware that these changes are an inconvenience to subscribers who have scheduled their viewing, or taping for later viewing, channels endeavour to start a programme scheduled in the TV Magazine rather later than earlier, as it is difficult to communicate an early start time to viewers.

We encourage our subscribers to use the magazine and our website in conjunction with the electronic program guide, which provides the accurate information..

Further to the above, your comments have been escalated to the relevant department, for future consideration.

We apologise for the frustration and inconvenience caused. MultiChoice is committed to customer satisfaction, this is why your feedback and concerns are always important to us.

Please feel free to register on DStv.com to update your personal information, or to access your account balance, service request forms,frequently asked questions, and obtain technical information. You can also access more information on your decoder by pressing 'OK' on your remote control unit, and selecting 'About Us' on DStv Touch.

Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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