Fibrehoods - Northriding


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2009
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I must say, I was very excited to get my fibre line installed. Gone are the days of terrible streaming experiences on LTE - uncapped bliss!.....NOT

So in the last 2 months of having fibre, I've had almost 10 outages. 10! There was also an issue with my installation which I understood and accepted.

But the last few weeks has been quite terrible. I'm sitting here typing this off a hot spot on my phone. Their twitter feed gives you an update, but every week there seems to be an issue.

I'm tired of it already. I think they are pretty useless.

Anybody else having issues? Anybody in Northriding on Openserve? Feedback?
Same *** again, just like last week. Now they blaming Vumatel and I guarantee you that if you call Vuma they will blame either Fibrehoods or your ISP.

Exactly. I'm fed up. Thinking of cancelling it. Tired of throwing money away like this...

Same *** again, just like last week. Now they blaming Vumatel and I guarantee you that if you call Vuma they will blame either Fibrehoods or your ISP.

Your post title mentions fibrehoods and your post itself mentions Openserve. Who exactly is your fibre infrastructure provider. And secondly, who is your ISP?
100% agreed with the frustration regarding Fibrehoods in Northriding.
Simply too many outages!
My adsl line was way more stable with zero disconnects unless I unplugged it myself for lightning.
Been disconnected since 5pm yesterday and 14 hours later still nothing.
I've stopped counting the number of disconnects over the past 2 months.
Does Fibrehoods have a MyBB handle?
Read carefully: not happy with Fibreghoods, asking if anybody can tell me what Openserve is like in that area

Your post title mentions fibrehoods and your post itself mentions Openserve. Who exactly is your fibre infrastructure provider. And secondly, who is your ISP?
Not sure if they have a representative here. I have asked for a full incident report. Would love to know what they will send me, if they will even bother.

I can tell you that I have had 6 outages since I signed up end of June. Along with that I've had 3 other incidents that I experienced (these incidents were not made mention of from their side, the 6 other times they acknowledged the issue and we had outages lasting longer than 3 hours each time.

100% agreed with the frustration regarding Fibrehoods in Northriding.
Simply too many outages!
My adsl line was way more stable with zero disconnects unless I unplugged it myself for lightning.
Been disconnected since 5pm yesterday and 14 hours later still nothing.
I've stopped counting the number of disconnects over the past 2 months.
Does Fibrehoods have a MyBB handle?
Same experience in Northriding for me... Had my fibre just over 2 months and the reliability is horrible. My adsl line was more robust than my current fibre...

I dont understand why Fibrehood's is so dodgy... My is there no failover? Is it not possible to have multiple options on your ONT config so if one area or PoP goes down that we can be automatically routed to another PoP?

Is there even a FH rep on this forum?
I see on on their twitter feed the responses are still the same since yesterday i.e. "team onsite"... "working hard to resolve"...

Good that they are responsive, but ultimately we only need one thing and that is for it to work... all the time.

PierreK, I have also experienced multiple shorter (if you can call a couple of hours 'shorter') disconnects which have gone unmentioned on any platform. My router also loses IP from time-to-time prompting them to have to a reset from their end.

It all feels a little too much like they've bitten off more than they can chew bringing such large areas/user bases onto their network.

Perhaps someone should point them here for some more detailed feedback.
Massive land grab and because of this, FH and the other fibre providers have outsourced. So it feels like the quality of work has really dropped...
Massive land grab and because of this, FH and the other fibre providers have outsourced. So it feels like the quality of work has really dropped...

Indeed... and it's now been about 20 hours.
Looks like another full day without access.

So with Telkom/Openserve, when there was a formally acknowledged problem with ticket logged, one would receive a pro-rata credit.
Does this even exist with fibre?
nope i doubt it.

Why is every problem so critical. Oh look, a pigeon shat on the line... 20 hours later, 3 teams and still no connectivity...

Next we are going to hear about another team that needs to bring the special magigger for this particular problem and there is only one of it in existence, forged by Thor's hammer.
An issue was found on the backhaul to the North Riding OLT. A temporary measure has been put in place; clients should be up. A permanent fix will be looked into tomorrow.

Please note that the Northriding OLT is down again. We have technicians working to resolve this.

So yeah pretty frustrating.
Apparently they have an 8 hour turn around time on their core network. This issue has gone on for longer than 8hours...

I wonder if the likes ICASA could help with this?
nope i doubt it.

Why is every problem so critical. Oh look, a pigeon shat on the line... 20 hours later, 3 teams and still no connectivity...

Next we are going to hear about another team that needs to bring the special magigger for this particular problem and there is only one of it in existence, forged by Thor's hammer.


So true. We had teams telling us about 'special magiggers' throughout the complex installation. And none of them even had Thor's number...
Looks like it's back online.

Hoping wholeheartedly for a few consecutive days without issues - maybe we can break the previous record? I believe it was about 9 days. :wtf:
I hope so too. I think I'm giving it one last shot. Will call a Vumatel big shot tomorrow to see if I can bring this to their attention. I know they acquired Fiberhoods and have a good relationship with him.

Will post feedback if I have anything worthwhile. I inquired about canceling the service today. Will need to settle about R1.5k if I do. Might try LTE Rain as I'm not prepared to keep banging my head on the same wall
eish looks like we dodged a bullet. We decided to go with MFN instead FH. No issues since we went live.
Here we go again. Down again this morning!
I hope so too. I think I'm giving it one last shot. Will call a Vumatel big shot tomorrow to see if I can bring this to their attention. I know they acquired Fiberhoods and have a good relationship with him.

Will post feedback if I have anything worthwhile. I inquired about canceling the service today. Will need to settle about R1.5k if I do. Might try LTE Rain as I'm not prepared to keep banging my head on the same wall

Please could you do this?

Seems certain sections of Northriding is down again... I really dont understand why the service or quality of network is so bad.
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