I think the combination of crazy hours working from home and all other stress is frying my brain. It looks like my hass.io setup on a Pi is about to die. I have a NUC type PC available and am thinking about potentially just starting from scratch on this. It has a mechanical disk, and I would swap to a SSD when lockdown ends.
Now this is the reason my brain is fried. I don't know what I need to install because I want the the version of Hass where I can install add-ins easily from HACS/store e.g. like letsencrypt, etc, etc.
I also want to use the opportunity to get rid of all my PIs. I have another PI running UBNT and would appreciate input as I have no experience with Ubuntu/Docker.
Network Environment:
3 VLANS at home:-
1. Private (all our devices, UBNT controller (Pi), Ubiquiti gateway, NAS, printer, etc in here)
2. iOT (Has all the media streamers, Sonoffs and the Home Assistant (Pi)
3. Guest
My plan is as follows (will this actually work):-
1. Install Ubuntu on PC. Install on VLAN1
2. Install Docker (VLAN1)
3. Install Hass Supervisor inside Docker running in VLAN 2. This is so all the iOT devices continue to talk to the same IP as the Pi that it will replace.
4. In Docker also install standalone Ubuquiti controller (VLAN1) -
I don't want to run the one that comes via HACS. I prefer to keep UBNT seperated from HASS.
1. What flavour of HASS do I need to install inside docker to get the same experience the Hass.io image that runs on Pi? Is it Hass supervisor?
2. Is my planned Ubuntu setup with Docker valid?. The PC has one NIC, but based on what I read, I can make it tagged so that traffic for both VLAN 1+2 can be handled
3. Is 4GB of Ram on the PC enough to keep this all running well. The PC has 250GB HDD but will swap to SSD. I may install Plex inside docker itself and some DB like grafana or influx ??? (sorry still a newb on this topic).
Thanks. Hoping to get this all done during this lockdown period.
Cheers in advance (sorry I have no alcohol left except for what may be in the sanitisers)