How do I create a thread?

Please start this thread for me, battling and you'll know where it belongs.
Co-pilot and padkos distributor:
If anybody is planning a drive from
Jhb/PTA down to CT in the next 10 days or so, I'm 'happy' to share fuel costs and the driving. Not a chatterbox, more than happy to rock my earphones/podcasts all the way.
Our Domestic's daughter is going on a "cashier's course" lasting six days and costing R3000. Is this a legit thing? Has anyone else heard of it? Sounds like a scam to me.
How do I ask a plumbing question or start a thread?

Lets deal with the first part ..... how to ask a plumbing question

How do I fix a leak in 1/2 inch polycop pipe?

See, easy :)

Now lets deal with the other part .....

1. Look directly at you monitor
2. Go to the thread you want read.
3, Look up to the top of the monitor
4. Look left
5. No ... other left
6. See the grey ovaloid button that says +Post New Thread
7. Press that button ......

I will allow you the joy of figuring things out from there.

If you found this post helpful, rep me up.
If you found it derogatory or insulting .... tough .... rep me up.
If you found it humorous, you would cry with laughter if you saw my balance sheet


Textile Guy
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