Neren Rau


ლ(ಠ_ಠ )ლ
Nov 22, 2010
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Neren Rau assumed the role of CEO of SACCI in June 2008. Mr Rau had worked at the Reserve Bank for seven years and headed the Financial Safety Net Division of the Financial Stability Department. In that role, he was responsible for financial sector continuity planning inclusive of identifying risks that threaten the broader financial sector, formulating contingency plans and crisis management strategies to deal with such threats and developing and enhancing financial safety net policies.

To a lesser degree his division was is also involved in monitoring the financial sector transformation process, black economic empowerment and initiatives to broaden access to finance. Both through this role as well in his previous position as a Deputy Director in the National Treasury, Mr Rau had extensive experience in researching, negotiating and advising on government policy for the financial sector. During this time, he had delivered expert lectures on access to finance and financial sector transformation, financial regulation, depositor protection, financial safety nets and contingency planning, both locally and internationally.

Prior to joining government, Mr Rau spent seven years as an academic at both Wits Technikon and Rhodes University. He lectured across the disciplines of business management but specialised in Marketing and Finance. During this time he presented a number of conference papers both locally and internationally.

Mr Rau currently also serves as an Independent Member of the Audit Committee of the Johannesburg Tourism Company and was recently appointed to the Consumer Affairs Committee by the Minister of Trade and Industry. The Consumer Affairs Committee initiates and directs investigations and holds hearings in respect of unfair business practices and advises the Minister on regulation in this regard.


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