Octotel or openserve ?


Honorary Master
Jun 14, 2011
Reaction score
In your mind ...rent free
i have both options

im on openserve with afrihost and have the 50/25 line for around R600

ocototel has a similar line for +-R570

but i want to move ISPs as well

been with mweb and mweb had better service than afrihost

but time to look for someone else that i can easily access they customer service departments

afrihost call me back and whatsapp service was decent ....but they people on the other end was useless
hi @I.am.Sam
If you are in the Cape Area, look us us: www.kryptonweb.co.za
We still have our Octotel Black Friday promo running for orders received until February - 100/100Mbps at R729 per month - for New Octotel Installations only

Or if you prefer Openserve, you can take advantage of our REDONCULOUS Fibre Switch promo where you pay only R399 per month for your first 3 months with us irrespective of line speed, thereafter our standard pricing


We area a service focused ISP and our reviews are a testament to that:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KryptonWeb/reviews/
Hello Peter: https://www.hellopeter.com/krypton-web
Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=krypton+web

Chat us us on WhatsApp here: https://wa.me/+27875513456
Redonculous Fibre Switch Sale - Large.jpg
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It pains me to say this, but rather the devil you know. Telkom on openserve all the way. It is not a perfect metric but I am seeing less issues on the openserve endpoints. I would switch over in a heartbeat if I could, no matter the price.

I would only deviate if I had herotel as the option. The amount of times where the isp points to frotfoot and they in turn point to the isp ......... having the fno as your isp kills that move, dead. Unless you somehow screw it up (looking at you vox, probably the only isp that has managed to make such a relationship somehow even more complicated).
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Fwiw I've had one outage on openserve in all the time I've had fiber with AH. Can't compare but the uptime has been excellent.
Most FNOs will experience some area down time now and again. Generally it is resolved within 1-6 hours
However this has been the longest period of downtime on any of the fibre networks we have experienced in our time
i have both options

im on openserve with afrihost and have the 50/25 line for around R600

ocototel has a similar line for +-R570

but i want to move ISPs as well

been with mweb and mweb had better service than afrihost

but time to look for someone else that i can easily access they customer service departments

afrihost call me back and whatsapp service was decent ....but they people on the other end was useless


If you can get Octotel, I'm guessing you are in the Cape Town area - have a look at our reviews - https://www.atomic.co.za

If you look at this recent ISP survey, Octotel is the better option:
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