Thank you for your email.
Kindly be advised that the below is considered gambling/trading which is restricted.
We would like to remind you that any online investments involving gambling or trading are strictly prohibited. This includes any purchases that are classified under these categories.
Therefore, we kindly ask that you refrain from purchasing any investments that involve gambling or trading.
Kindly be advised you are allowed to purchase cryptocurrency and fund a forex/Gold trading account as prescribed in Section B.4 (A) of the Currency and Exchange manual, which prescribes a bank-to-bank transfer such as a Swift payment.(optional).
The Global One Card (your Capitec bank card) may not be used for this purpose and Capitec Bank reserves the right to decline the authorisation of these transactions.
We now offer an outward international payment service through Mercantile Bank. Interested clients may contact the Interbank Forex team on +27 21 809 4501 email
[email protected] to make use of this product/service.
The Interbank Forex team will arrange for a Mercantile Bank consultant to contact the client and open a Mercantile Bank Trading Account as well as guide the client through the Outward International Payment Process.
Should you require any further assistance on our end, you may send us a new email at
[email protected].
Alternatively, You may add and save the Capitec WhatsApp number (067 418 9565) as a contact on your phone or visit any of your nearest Capitec Bank branches.