Remember Fleetwood Mac

what happens when you have 2 married people in a band who cheat on each other with members of the band, and then you take that band lock them in a house togetehr with a baot load of coke and allow them to turn all the issues into an album.

well you get an album that has gone gold at least once every decade since it came out.
yes most of that is off Dreams and it going viral multiple times....
Sure, I get the love for Tango in the Night in this thread, and I also get the love for Rumours generally, but for me the collection of Can't Go Back, Empire State, Hold Me, Oh Diane, Eyes of the World, Wish You Were Here and Gypsy, especially Gypsy, IMO the best Fleetwood Mac track ever, on Mirage is unmatched in their discography.

Also, my quick tribute to Christine solo (RIP):

... and Lindsey solo:

... and Stevie solo:

Here's where it gets interesting
This album is a good one- no denying it.
Back in 1990 every kommin household was blaring it on the hifi, as was the custom back then. Back in the days of blaring the hifi because everyone had to know who had a hifi at home, long before Fortuners and other means of strutting.
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