SA electricity situation is urgent

It's been urgent for several years now. I blame those morons at Eskom and in Government.
You get what you vote for.....

Unfortunately those who know better are outnumbered by those who dont....

cANCer cant even begin to start creating jobs and growing the economy if they dont have adequate electrical supply...

But we knew this like 7 years ago.... Looks like the failed governance and leadership is coming back to bite the cANCer....

Brace yourself for a very rough future...
SA electricity in a “serious situation”

The Free Market Foundation has emphasised that the electricity situation is urgent and maintenance on electricity grids is required

It is the previous regime's fault. If the whiteys in power did a better job then, it would not have needed maintenance now and we would not have been in this situation. Lazy assed agents making us look bad. :rolleyes:

;) < for those not so bright.
South Africa needs to spend R35 billion to maintain neglected distribution networks, or risk further backlogs, the Free Market Foundation warned on Tuesday.

Are we going to be "e-tolled" for this too? :mad:
Electricity was used by local governments to cross-subsidise other goods, he explained. In addition, a decade-long attempt to restructure distribution meant municipalities had no incentive to invest in electricity infrastructure when they might not benefit.

I guess that's what happens if you leave the management of a strategic resource in the hands of illiterate 'freedom fighters'.
It is the previous regime's fault. If the whiteys in power did a better job then, it would not have needed maintenance now and we would not have been in this situation. Lazy assed agents making us look bad. :rolleyes:

;) < for those not so bright.

u hit the nail on the head man!
they just sucked the country dry knowing well that sustainable infrastructure planning was not part of their campaign.
i'm loving the way we are fixing it though!
yip-- u get what you vote for!
if they were still around, we would be pretty much buggered!

better to have an economy that is squeezing every last ounce of power we can generate therefore keeping the machine working, than to have one where power stations get mothballed into storage! sies!

As a result, spending on the grid itself had been neglected. Davie recommended municipalities should either contract out the maintenance, or sell off the grid.


But independent power producers could not distribute power directly to consumers without Eskom, which owned the grid.

The solution was to establish an independent grid, either under government control or at least partially privatised.

Consumers would benefit, as producers could compete to deliver energy at the lowest price, Davie said.

It's time...

Guide to Independent Power Producer (IPP) processes
The objective of this document is to provide an overview of the processes in the country and within Eskom relating to Independent Power Producers (IPPs).

1. Introduction and Background

It is crucial that the private sector plays a role in addressing the future electricity needs of the country. This will reduce the funding burden on Government, relieve the borrowing requirements of Eskom and introduce generation technologies that Eskom may not consider part of its core function which may play a vital role in the future electricity supply options, in particular off-grid, distributed generation, co-generation and small-scale renewable projects.

The introduction of private sector generation thus has multiple benefits. It will contribute greatly to the diversification of both the supply and nature of energy production, assist in the introduction of new skills and capital into the industry, and enable the benchmarking of performance and pricing.


Small Projects Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme

Integrated Resource Plan

The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP2010) places specific emphasis on broadening electricity supply technologies to include gas, imports, nuclear, biomass, renewables (wind, solar and hydro), in response to both the country's future electricity needs as well as reduce its CO2 emissions.

South Africa wants to procure 3 725MW of renewable energy through this process.

According to the IRP2010 - which is a 20-year projection on electricity supply and demand - about 42% of electricity generated in South Africa is required to come from renewable resources. The department has set aside 100MW of the 3 725MW for smaller projects of less than 5MW.

Every household can supply to the grid, using wind, solar and biogas...
How much electricity does a modern nuclear reactor supply?

But it would've been nice if Eskom could pay consumers for adding electricity to the grid through renewable sources.
How much electricity does a modern nuclear reactor supply?

But it would've been nice if Eskom could pay consumers for adding electricity to the grid through renewable sources.

Would be awesome but I don't know how much it would help mitigate the risks (well, solar anyway). The peak demand is when the sun's not out...
Just raise the price of electricity more, so people can spend less (less jobs). Prices increase causing miners, truck drivers to strike.. because now everything is getting expensive...

well done goverment!
Would be awesome but I don't know how much it would help mitigate the risks (well, solar anyway). The peak demand is when the sun's not out...

Electricity can be stored :) They pump water to higher ground during off peak, and then let it generate electricity through hydro-electrics during peak time. :)
Or you can store it yourself in some super capacitors and use it during peak time :D
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