Sassa planning to introduce biometric verification

Daniel Puchert

Staff member
Mar 6, 2024
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South Africa plans to introduce facial recognition verification

The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has said it plans to introduce facial recognition verification to confirm the identities of Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant beneficiaries.

This is according to Sassa spokesperson Paseka Letsatsi, who told Newzroom Afrika that the social security agency plans to implement biometric verification to crack down on social grant fraud.
I don't get it. If you receive more than R624 you don't qualify. How do these criminals register fake accounts for people most likely earning an income?
@Daniel Puchert @Jan
Make sure SASSA is aware.

there is over 99 per cent accuracy rate in recognizing white male faces. But, unfortunately, when it comes to recognizing faces of colour, especially the faces of Black women, the technology seems to manifest its highest error rate, which is about 35 per cent.”
I'm sure they will trial this first.
@Daniel Puchert @Jan
Make sure SASSA is aware.

there is over 99 per cent accuracy rate in recognizing white male faces. But, unfortunately, when it comes to recognizing faces of colour, especially the faces of Black women, the technology seems to manifest its highest error rate, which is about 35 per cent.”

Cos the look the same probably.
I heard no 2 sphincters look alike, much like a leopards spots. Just use a rectal imaging camera for identification
Well neither do vags. There was an actual study done on that.
Thanks didn’t know Apple owns Hikvision.
I’m just saying that only Apple can make biometrics. Without the Apple logo, the odds are 100:1 or something.

If you add the logo, you get the most incredible accurate advanced biometric system known to man
But we were assured the cards have the highest security and fraud is impossible.

The cadres cannot and will never do anything properly.
I’m just saying that only Apple can make biometrics. Without the Apple logo, the odds are 100:1 or something.

If you add the logo, you get the most incredible accurate advanced biometric system known to man
Better give the logo to Ukraine. Will give them pinpoint accuracy.
Half of bloody Africa is on the take. When th comrades wipe the s hit out of their eyes there will be nothing left for them.
Begging bowl comes out.

Verlate staan die kragpale sonder drade
Swart lê die teerpaaie vol gate

Gelukkig is daar nog kragpale
Ongelukkig sonder drade
Gelukkig is daar nog teerpaaie
Ongelukkig vol gate

En sal hulle die ys uit Anartica
en al die sand in die Sahara
en die bome in Amerika
en die stene van die groot muur in China
kan wegdra
O Afrika
klaar weggedra
O Afrika
klaar weggedra

Gelukkig lê daar nog spoorlyne
Ongelukkig waars die treine
Gelukkig is daar nog tronke oor
Ongelukkig is hulle altyd uit op parool
Gelukkig het ons nog televisie
Ongelukkig niks meer in Afrikaans nie
Gelukkig woon ons nog in huise
Ongelukkig met tralies voor die ruite
Gelukkig hy het water en elektrisiteit in
Ongelukkig betaal ons ook vir hulle sin

En sal hulle die ys uit Anartica
en al die sand in die Sahara
en die bome in Amerika
en die stene van die groot muur in China
kan wegdra
O Afrika
klaar weggedra
O Afrika
klaar weggedra

Gelukkig kan ons nog dokter toe gaan
Ongelukkig wie kan die dokter verstaan
die dokter is dan ‘n Kubaan
Gelukkig is daar ‘n goeie hospitaal
Ongelukkig sal jy lê en doodgaan in die voorportaal
voor jy kan in kom meot jy eers betaal
Gelukkig is daar nog goeie banke oor
Ongelukkig kan jy als in die bank veloor
saamgebou saam geverloor

En sal hulle die ys uit Anartica
en al die sand in die Sahara
en die bome in Amerika
en die stene van die groot muur in China
kan wegdra
O Afrika
klaar weggedra
O Afrika
klaar weggedra

Gelukkig dat daar nog skole oor is
Ongelukkig dat hul Gr1 leerders so groot is
Gelukkig kan ons nog blog skrywe
Ongelukkig is dit swaar op die bandwydte
Gelukkig het ons atlete by die Olimpiese spele
Ongelukkig het hul min medaljes verseker

Verlate staan die kragpale sonder drade
Swart lê die teerpaaie vol gate
They want you locked into their database, luckily if you are self sufficient you can extend them a rigid middle digit, if you rely on the state for anything, they own you lock stock and smoking barrels.
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