It just doesn't work like that in reality and most institutions understand this. People don't always even always take up professions based on their degrees.University should not be a tryout place.
The space earned is earned on that student's merit (unless we're talking about certain policies).
I'm completely unaware of Roblox other than the 'oof' sound. A quick google shows me it's similar to unreal editor but much friendlier and has a scripting side in lua. I'd agree game dev is especially niche here, also I find the industry quite unstable.My son who is almost 20 wants to get started in development as a career. He's dabbled a bit in minor roblox games, but I think game development is such a niche market that getting in there is a long shot, so I'm looking for suggestions as to what courses/certifications he should be looking at to at least have a change of getting started?
What is he currently doing for work/education? That can impact how easy it is to switch careers.
The real question is how much does he enjoy the scripting part? I'm going to assume a degree is not an option. In that case the best scenario is to build a portfolio of /applications/ made. While doing this you may want to consider other entry points into development like Software Testing. It's good to look at job boards and see what junior/graduate positions are often available as you'll need to fit market demand.