State Information Technology Agency (SITA)


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Nov 22, 2010
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SITA was established in 1999 to consolidate and coordinate the State’s information technology resources in order to achieve cost savings through scale, increase delivery capabilities and enhance interoperability. SITA is committed to leveraging Information Technology (IT) as a strategic resource for government, managing the IT procurement and delivery process to ensure that the Government gets value for money, and using IT to support the delivery of e-Government services to all citizens. In short, SITA is the IT business for the largest employer and consumer of IT products and services in South Africa – the Government.

Furthermore, the Act separates SITA's services into mandatory services (i.e. SITA must provide), and non-mandatory services (i.e. SITA may provide).

SITA remains committed in all its engagements to adhere to the Government’s "IT House of Values", aiming to achieve reduced costs, increased productivity and increased service to our citizens.
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