The Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge


Honorary Master
Jun 5, 2018
Reaction score
Residential MyBB survivor
Afternoon all,

The Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge starts October 12, 2022 at 4:00 PM UTC (16:00) and ends on November 9, 2022 at 4:00 PM UTC (16:00).

Those look good even from a management perspective. Just to get to know the various MS products more.
Afternoon all,

The Microsoft Learn Cloud Skills Challenge starts October 12, 2022 at 4:00 PM UTC (16:00) and ends on November 9, 2022 at 4:00 PM UTC (16:00).

so we have to wait for the 12th to register?
I am not out to contract.
I have seen permanent positions being advertised with 80k -100k GBP PA salaries for that qualification.
80k-100k GBP (yes I know it's perm) is a far cry from 20k GBP that was previously possible (PER MONTH) contracting, is the point I'm making. Contracting used to be VERY VERY lucrative.

240k GBP PA if you're good and rotate contracts without gaps. Not really possible (easily) any more with IR35 though.


It's possible to get that 80k-100k GBP, but not just because you have that ONE cert. Don't expect that.

You'd be expected to know multiple things fairly well at that point - cloud / os / network / containers / orchestration / config management etc. There's a definite layer of technology required.
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