I'm normally pretty creative but for I haven't thought of anything interesting to do with it yet.
I'm normally pretty creative but for I haven't thought of anything interesting to do with it yet.

I've had it write a local avoidance script for me for Unity game dev, and the results and interactivity blew my mind.
What about never having to write a school paper again?


Have it write the paper, then you just fact check everything, modify the language a bit and bingo bongo.
explain quicksort in the style of dr seuss

Quicksort is a funny little guy,
With a knack for sorting numbers high and low.
He starts off with a list that's quite perplexing,
But soon enough, it's all in order, without any second-guessing.

First, he picks a number, and calls it his pivot,
Then he puts all the numbers less than it on one side,
And all the numbers greater than it on the other side,
Until there's nothing left to hide.

Then he goes to each side, and does the same thing,
Picking another pivot, and sorting everything,
Left and right, and back and forth,
He keeps on sorting until there's nothing left to sort.

In the end, he's done, and the list is complete,
With all the numbers in order, from small to big, neat.
And that's how quicksort works, in a nutshell, you see,
A clever little algorithm, as useful as can b
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Snake Game</title>
canvas {
border: 1px solid #000;
<canvas id="game" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
// Set up the canvas
var canvas = document.getElementById('game');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

// Set up the snake
var snake = [
{x: 150, y: 150},
{x: 140, y: 150},
{x: 130, y: 150},
{x: 120, y: 150},
{x: 110, y: 150}

// Set the initial direction
var dx = 10;
var dy = 0;

// Set the initial score to 0
var score = 0;

// Set the initial food position
var foodX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) * 20;
var foodY = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) * 20;

// Set the game speed (in milliseconds)
var gameSpeed = 100;

// Initialize the game
function init() {
// Set the canvas dimensions
canvas.width = 400;
canvas.height = 400;

// Start the game loop
setInterval(draw, gameSpeed);

// Main game loop
function draw() {
// Clear the canvas
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

// Move the snake in the current direction
var head = {x: snake[0].x + dx, y: snake[0].y + dy};

// Add the new head to the beginning of the snake

// Check if the snake has collided with the food
if (head.x === foodX && head.y === foodY) {
// Increase the score and create a new food item
score += 10;
foodX = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) * 20;
foodY = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) * 20;
} else {
// Remove the tail from the snake

// Draw the snake on the canvas
for (let i = 0; i < snake.length; i++) {
ctx.fillStyle = (i === 0) ? '#00ff00' : '#009900';
ctx.fillRect(snake.x, snake.y, 10, 10);

// Draw the food on the canvas
ctx.fillStyle = '#ff0000';
ctx.fillRect(foodX, foodY, 10, 10);

// Draw the score on the canvas
ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff';
ctx.font = 'bold 12px sans-serif';
ctx.fillText('Score: ' + score, 10, 20);

// Initialize the game

apparently, this is the code for a snake game
Jacob Zuma, the man we once knew A leader and a fighter, or so we thought it was true

But now we see, the truth is clear He's a corrupt and selfish man, without any fear

He's taken from the people, and he's taken from the land Leaving behind a legacy of corruption, greed, and shame

His name is now synonymous with all that's wrong And as time goes on, his legacy will be gone

Jacob Zuma, a man who's lost his way A leader who's failed, in every single way

So here's to you, Jacob Zuma, our once dear friend You will always be remembered, as a man without an end.
It can't write erotica. Shame on the team at OpenAI. There goes my side gig as a smut author.

They've been pruning all the naughty stuff out, on a daily basis making it more and more restrictive. You can still get it to produce some things, but you need to jump through a lot of hoops to convince it first.
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