Cool Ideas Rep
As previously mentioned we've setup a free VPN server for Cool Ideas customers to connect directly to the UK, should there be a need to avoid local peering arrangements and increased LAG/Ping, such as can happen with gameservers hosted on AWS, or Google cloud.
The server has our best path to the UK, and is independently hosted from our network, but with the best route we can get to the VPN server, with the lowest latency. From there, it's up to your gaming provider....
EDIT 2023-06-26:
There is now also a less strict (full-cone nat service available)
The new server is and the same test/test username can be used for pptp or l2tp, or sstp.
Please note that the new server is not SoftEther based, so use your router or desktop PC's PPTP/L2TP configuration to establish a connection.
EDIT 2023-07-14:
There is now a JHB-Singapore PPTP server available for testing:
Bandwidth is limited to 50Mbps but should be enough for some testing. Same test/test username can be used
--- old server details ----
The hub to connect to is simply called "DEFAULT", when you configure your Softether VPN client.
Please note that the VPN service is only available to CISP clients.
The server has our best path to the UK, and is independently hosted from our network, but with the best route we can get to the VPN server, with the lowest latency. From there, it's up to your gaming provider....
EDIT 2023-06-26:
There is now also a less strict (full-cone nat service available)
The new server is and the same test/test username can be used for pptp or l2tp, or sstp.
Please note that the new server is not SoftEther based, so use your router or desktop PC's PPTP/L2TP configuration to establish a connection.
EDIT 2023-07-14:
There is now a JHB-Singapore PPTP server available for testing:
Bandwidth is limited to 50Mbps but should be enough for some testing. Same test/test username can be used
--- old server details ----
Alright, let's try an experiment.
I've setup a VPN server in our UK Datacentre.
It is a Softether based server that will allow the Softether native protocol, L2TP (without IPSec), and MS-SSTP connections. You will be natted out to a CISP IP in our UK datacentre. The service is available only to CISP clients.
The username is "test" and the password is "test". The host to connect to is ""
Please give me some feedback as to whether helps at all with game server selections.
The hub to connect to is simply called "DEFAULT", when you configure your Softether VPN client.
Please note that the VPN service is only available to CISP clients.
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