E-toll prosecutions months away

It's just another day in Gauteng when Woosy Moaner claims that SCAMRAL will mend the many errors of its illegitimate ways before selling people into prostitution.
They probably realised that they will make fools of themselves in trying to prosecute based on the crap they have on their systems and also as they are unable to provide any invoices. What kind of company go into business, but can't even generate a stupid invoice??
One that was hoping its "customers" wouldn't actually query the amounts it was charging them.
They probably realised that they will make fools of themselves in trying to prosecute based on the crap they have on their systems and also as they are unable to provide any invoices. What kind of company go into business, but can't even generate a stupid invoice??

The need to resist is more important than many realize. The toll roads is just one more aspect of public infrastructure for which we are paying taxes that are being privatised for private gain at the expense of the working.

The prepaid meters in Tshwane Municipality is one more example.

The only reason many services are in disarray, is that the cANCer has not yet figured out a way to gain from it.
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