Not just SA, but over the Globe since 1992+, some of the Symptoms growing of Very High Level Corruption, was like incompete(Incompetance by design) societies over time, loose their proudness in doing something, loose their concept of Quality etc, in general Change for the sake of Change became the order of the day and that IDEOLOGY can only work if 7 Billion has enough Resources available to all become rich and have a good life, however that is NOT the case on Planet earth. The last 30 years was a WAR going on of a different kind like power struggles originated from the 50-Ties but went haywire when Digital Era took off(1992+, from the 80-Ties)), it became so easy to just add another cost apart from the original cost, so nowadays multiple extra costs are surrounding the orinigal main cost for the purpose, and these all add up and grew, destroying monetary systems over time as the system consumes itself. The poor suffer 1st, then the lower middleclass, then the upper middleclass, then the Ultra Rich starts to consume each other as all now continuously exponentially needs more money, while the Resources its coupled to wears off....You cannot eat or drink MONEY, although you made believe it to be.
Eskom is part of this, so are all the other entities over the globe showing similar Symptoms. Theres nothing good about this Ideology playing out, and nothing good can ever come from it over TIME.
To rectify this, those on the top should bent for a change, lower taxes, lower salaries, lower all prices, delete the abstract concepot of "INFLATION" from the books, and put a limit on profits or any sidestepping channelling of money. We have to go lower to level up with population numbers versus resources, cycles become slow and predicatable, some will still get very rich, but just not overnight, or by manufacturing CRAP, or create things for the sake of change, produce products that dont last long by design, all these Negative ideologies coupled to greed, destroys the fulture,
I believe sustainable change thats a better life for most will only come once this is understood, and that is not going to happen overnight. The whole globe is at least a financial/Resource/Population mess currently.
So whatever ideology you persue today, is it parasitic or constructive to humanity-?