Curiously, the regulator said that it tried to contact Amatole after it had taken down the company’s network, but was not able to reach them.

my favourite line.
Some telecoms players have indicated that ICASA is unable to provide any accurate figures about outstanding license fees.

Why are they allowed leeway on having outstanding license fees? If I don't renew my car license, I get fined. Same should apply to these operators.
Why are they allowed leeway on having outstanding license fees? If I don't renew my car license, I get fined. Same should apply to these operators.
There is a difference, though. If they charge you an amount for your car license which is not accurate (for example, they charge you for owning a truck rather than a car), should you just pay it? Should you not be allowed to dispute this inaccurate figure?
Why are they allowed leeway on having outstanding license fees? If I don't renew my car license, I get fined. Same should apply to these operators.

The licence fee calculation changed and there are differing opinions about it.
It is time that we shut down ICASA. They have done absolutely nothing in all the years of their existance, other than targeting small companies. Amongst their achievements rank ADSL rules which Telkom could not care about, we are still talking about LLC, the cellphone companies get away with murder, their licensing of new TV stations were a disaste with them licensing someone who had no clue or will to succeed and so the list goes on and on.

Get rid of them, they are a pure waste of taxpayers money and have contibuted NOTHING. Things may have been a bit hectic as far as newcomers etc were concerned in the beginning but by now it would have resolved enough.

Icasa also indirectly contibute to our entrenched monopolies because the start up costs for new entrepeneurs are to high and inevitable court dramas because ICASA do their job so bvadly.
Why are they allowed leeway on having outstanding license fees? If I don't renew my car license, I get fined. Same should apply to these operators.

Say ICASA suddenly charge me a R1000 each for my 3 neighbourhood watch walkie talkies due to the incompetance (thats what the I in ICASA stands for, doesn't it ;))?

I'm gonna pay the regular R60 x 3 and log a dispute with them. Maybe they will still insist on thier R3000 and want to confiscate the walkie talkies but that doesn't mean they are right in doing it.
There is a difference, though. If they charge you an amount for your car license which is not accurate (for example, they charge you for owning a truck rather than a car), should you just pay it? Should you not be allowed to dispute this inaccurate figure?

Is the dispute always in ICASAs favour? If so, why do these stories only come out after the fact?
Wonder whose next on the ICASA's shoot first ask questions later.
Say ICASA suddenly charge me a R1000 each for my 3 neighbourhood watch walkie talkies due to the incompetance (thats what the I in ICASA stands for, doesn't it ;))?

I'm gonna pay the regular R60 x 3 and log a dispute with them. Maybe they will still insist on thier R3000 and want to confiscate the walkie talkies but that doesn't mean they are right in doing it.

The minute I received that bill and got no joy from ICASA I would come onto here and complain (and probably get a story out of it) but most of the story seem to originate with the operators in arrears already.
this seems like the mafia where you have to pay protection money. You are never really sure what you have to pay or when you pay if it would be the correct amount or if it would be recorded that you did pay.
license fees should be done like how sars does tax pay what sars calculates then dispute if you think they are wrong. If you are right SARS pay's you back with interest. This not paying because you didn't get the invoice is stupid since they don't allow their own customers this privilege
license fees should be done like how sars does tax pay what sars calculates then dispute if you think they are wrong. If you are right SARS pay's you back with interest. This not paying because you didn't get the invoice is stupid since they don't allow their own customers this privilege

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