Nvidia's GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card release delayed

Hanno Labuschagne

Staff member
Sep 2, 2019
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Nvidia's GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card release delayed

Nvidia has said the launch of its RTX 3070 graphics cards will be delayed by two weeks until 29 October.

It said that it is doing this to ensure there is enough stock when the graphics cards are made available to customers.

“We know this may be disappointing to those eager to purchase a GeForce RTX 3070 as soon as possible,” Nvidia said in a press release.
Absolute BS. The AIB cards are $50 more not double the price. This is pure greed from the local distro's.
The fact that the "R21k+" 3080s are now <R18k. There is no way the 3070 will sell or be sold at R15k.
I am expecting R11-12k max, hoping for R10k.
They could delay the release until Christmas I'm not forking out that kind of money.
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