Please follow the rules below when posting a classified ad in this forum. By not following these guidelines your ad may be locked or deleted.
Basic post guidelines
Item name (be very descriptive):
Age and condition:
Do you include packaging: Yes/No
Warranty: Yes/No
Reason for selling:
Negotiable: Yes/No
Shipping or collection:
Wanted Template
Please post in the: Wanted Sub-Forum
Item wanted (be very descriptive):
Is packaging essential?:
Desired age and condition:
Willing to accept a shipped item: Yes/No
Basic post guidelines
- Use the For Sale/Trade/Wanted templates provided below
- Make your title as descriptive as possible
- After your title, add the following: Sale / Trade / Wanted (Example: iPhone - Sale)
- Try to add pictures or other info where possible (upload images rather than links)
- Edit out the parts you think are not relevant to your post.
Item name (be very descriptive):
Age and condition:
Do you include packaging: Yes/No
Warranty: Yes/No
Reason for selling:
Negotiable: Yes/No
Shipping or collection:
Wanted Template
Please post in the: Wanted Sub-Forum
Item wanted (be very descriptive):
Is packaging essential?:
Desired age and condition:
Willing to accept a shipped item: Yes/No
- Before you can post an ad you must be a member for at least a month and have a minimum 30 posts (similar to some other parts of the forum).
- No dealers or resellers may post here (we have a dealers section for that).
- Item must include a preferred price. No "what offers".
- Please make offers via PM (do not post them in the thread)
- You may not discuss pricing in other people's ads.
- No off topic discussions. If you don't have a question related to the item, don't post.
- Only advertise items in your possession. No adverts on behalf of 3rd parties unless you are standing in for them.
- If you have sold/found your item please post back (hence let people know by posting in the thread)
- No backtracking on accepted offers for higher offers. If you've accepted then it's a done deal unless the sale falls through.
- Only bump once every 3 days.
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