Samsung rises, Apple drops in popularity

Daniel Puchert

Staff member
Mar 6, 2024
Reaction score
Samsung beats Apple iPhone and Huawei

Samsung smartphones have increased slightly in popularity over the last six months, while the desirability of Apple iPhones has declined.

This was one of the findings of MyBroadband’s H2 2024 consumer technology survey conducted in August.
Apple doesn't have many options when it comes to affordability. South Africans are poor and broke. Samsung has variety which caters for 3rd World Countries. Huawei is a buy once experience and then people don't buy again. Xiaomi will overtake Huawei by end of next year.
Samsung phones are great but the batteries need much more work. I was using Huawei for a long time because the batteries are fantastic. My old one used to last 4 days on one charge. My current Samsung A25 phone lasts less than 2 days even if I don't use it that much.
Apple sells you a expensive phone with features they ripped off from Android, charge you 3 times for it, and then make you pay for the tiniest thing like ringtones.
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