South African phone number codes explained
Phone numbers in South Africa include useful information such as the source location of a call or to which mobile network a phone number is subscribed.
South Africa’s telecoms numbers are assigned to telecoms licencees according to ICASA’s National Numbering Plan Regulations of 2016.
With the exception of short codes and machine-related numbers, like those used in point-of-sale (POS) devices, telecoms numbers in South Africa contain 10 digits.
These numbers are divided into two main categories – geographic and non-geographic.
Phone numbers in South Africa include useful information such as the source location of a call or to which mobile network a phone number is subscribed.
South Africa’s telecoms numbers are assigned to telecoms licencees according to ICASA’s National Numbering Plan Regulations of 2016.
With the exception of short codes and machine-related numbers, like those used in point-of-sale (POS) devices, telecoms numbers in South Africa contain 10 digits.
These numbers are divided into two main categories – geographic and non-geographic.