
Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
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I recently reverted back to my old Nokia E63 and PC Suite 7 because I could find no USB solution (no cloud available) for my computer setup. My slightly newer Nokia E5 would not sync notes via any of my never versions of Nokia Suite. I have Outlook 2007 and it works just beautiful with Windows 8 64-bit and my trusted old PC Suite version 7.x

However, Companionlink has a solution for your Lumia as well, I received this via email recently.

They said it couldn't be done, so it took us longer than normal! Thank you for your patience and for signing our interest list for Windows Phone 8 USB Sync.

CompanionLink for Outlook now includes WP8 USB Sync. In this time of heightened NSA scrutiny, we know everything in the cloud is getting shared with government departments and stored for the next leaker. CompanionLink restores the secure, connected, and direct USB Sync just like Palm Hotsync and old Pocket PC ActiveSync. Just connect your Lumia, Ativ, HTC, or Huawei WP8 device to your PC and CompanionLink handles the rest. Fully secure and cloud-free.
Save $12 on your one-time license of CompanionLink by entering WP8USB in the Affinity Code field on the order form. This is our small way of saying thank you for your patience. Or, just click this link to be directed there with the code automatically inserted.

What's included:
+ Sync Outlook contacts, calendar, tasks, notes, journal
+ Works with our free DejaOffice WP8 app that holds Outlook data in one suite
+ Day, week, month and list calendar views on WP8
+ Task list and Notes on WP8
+ Works with all WP8 devices. We are exploring if WP7 devices can also be supported.
+ Free telephone technical support; call us if you get stuck.

Outlook contacts stored in DejaOffice will sync to WP8 native Contacts so you can use features like Caller ID, maps, email, and text messaging.
Please help spread the word because many people may have already given up on a USB solution for Windows Phone.

If you have any comments or questions, please reply to this email. This is a brand new feature and we are looking for your feedback.
CompanionLink Software, Inc.
[email protected]
$12 for functionality that should be free?

Don't get me started..... I agree, it should have been part and parcel of it all. I went to Windows 8 because Linux only offered sync via Thunderbird+Lightning+Funambol cloud or Evolution+Syncevolution+Funambol. As my internet service is unreliable over 3.5G, I needed a USB cable.

I will easily pay $50 for Companionlink as it is a top class application. Why one has to PAY for Windows, though, is unsure. Windows 8 taught me new words in the first week, any sailor will easily grasp my comments. Only this morning installed Classic Shell as no sane person can work with the idiotic Windows 8. Of course, designed by intelligent young programmers with no insight because they bever did a stitch of actual work ina business environment. Windows should be sold only through Toys R Us.

Another Windows 8 issue is not being able to set up a wifi hotspot, not even with the bundled app. My son and I sat for two hours last night and didn't get it right; even took photos with the iPhone of support pages as one cannot switch between Windows so easily. I booted from Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon earlier the evening, set up a wireless hotspot and started browsing with two phones under a minute! The Hell of Gates is a terrible place to be in. If only Mint could offer me USB or even Bluetooth sync on my phone.
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