Undersea cable guidelines causing a stir

“By allowing the Minister to determine licensing, it appeared that the DoC was trying to create a role for the Minister to give authorization in order to scrutinize adherence to African equity or ownership under the NEPAD broadband protocol,” said Smuts.

This makes my blood boil.
Great news about SEACOM's undersea cable but the DoC seems to be determined to stifle progress with their constant meddling regarding the landing rights issue.
I'm glad the entire PPC is opposed to DoC, ANC and DA alike. This is issuing a strong warning to the "honourable" minister that she can't just thumbsuck to pad her already bulbous a$$. At least certains parts of this country still function.
Is there some sort of ego or power struggle going on there? Now suddenly they have billions for EASSy, which has been collecting dust, but all chronies are tied in on the feed.
Upon 1st reading of these comments on what the policy may entail, I got the impression that it could be in contravention of our international trade agreements. I mean, if one of the partners in an undersea cable is taken over by another company, it could affect the South African/African equity ownership. Anyone of the partners in SEACOM & EASSy may for whatever reason decide to sell their share (e.g. to make a quick buck or they may be in financial liquidity problems and need the money). Many of our international trade agreements actually dictates how our govt must act in international business sales & they could thus not summarily revoke the licence. New SA mining legislation of a similar nature is now being challenged by an Italian company at some or other international court of arbitration. As such, I dont see this policy being implemented before the end of 2008, possibly only middle 2009. And legislation/policy cannot be retroactive.
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Sigh. We are determined to sabotage ourselves. I think that we need to take a hard look at ourselves in the mirror. Some more than others though - here's looking at you Ivy...
This African equity BS is going to make these same Africans who are supposed to have equity end up with nothing! How long will it take for Africa to wake the F up?!!? These equity rules end up empowering literally a hand full of people who become stinking rich and take their money offshore at the end of the day anyways. The goal should be affordable access. That is the jackpot. The gold at the end of the rainbow.

Damn it we have dumb people running the show here on this God abandoned continent!!!!! :mad:
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Eish !
These cretins want to control everything, steal everything, destroy everything and then blame apartheid / colonialism / the west etc..........

I wonder if Ivy has ever used the internet ?
Why all of a sudden a 'rapid deployment of electronic communications facilities'. Nothing the DoC has ever done has been rapid. Is this because they were unsuccessful in pulling the rug out from under SEACOM regarding the ownership issues and SEACOM also telling NEDAP to look elsewhere regarding partnership??

TEKOM is a cash cow and the DoC's mandate seems to be to keep it that way.

This is such crap! SEACOM announce their awesome pricing, and a few days later some idiot in goverment tries to stop the whole thing.

I'm really starting to think that something like a digital revolution is that far fetched. Crazy - of course yes. Just about as crazy as these damn regulations!

Just think about it, most people reading these forums have in one way or the other access to communication systems/IT infrastructure. If we all work together we can take over and bring down the entire IT infrastructure of SA for an entire day. What the hell are they going to do - lock up the entire IT support personel of SA? Then what?

Yes, I know it will hurt business. But you have to look at the bigger picture here - I'd rather hurt business for one day than allowing the goverment to screw businesses over for YEARS.

I've never thought I'd even come up with an idea even remotely as crazy as this, but they are starting to push things way to far now.

I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this.
the gov don't want the people to have things for free/or cheaply! that way they can't make money for themselves,etc.
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