asp vs php

I presume you are talking php vs and not asp ( is far more capable)

Both languages are capable and have pros and cons.
Both databases are capable and have pros and cons.

Consider the fact that you can run mysql with asp or or php. is free to run on any windows system, and Visual Studio Web Developer Express (also free) is an excellent IDE - is used as the IDE of choice by many a PHP programmer.

It's no use you go with php if you are more comfortable with or vice versa.

Only SQL Express has a size limit of 20gb, with SQL enterprise you won't run into that problem - you're talking 524PB +

I personally prefer and Microsoft SQL server - SQL server has all the management and reporting tools you could possibly ask for - I just haven't found as good a management package for MySQL, period.

In the end both languages and both databases have far more capability than what most programmers are able to use, so choose according to your language preference and language experience.
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I'll say this from the get-go, my opinion is biased but to me ASP.NET doesn't have much use.

ASP.NET doesn't compare to Java EE when it comes to enterprise server side applications and PHP is faster to develop than ASP.NET and many large scale sites run PHP also. Not to mention that ASP.NET is vendor locked.

Rather go for PHP. I truly don't see the point in ASP.NET, it's popular with small companies in SA tho and ASP.NET developers are everywhere.
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I am looking at doing a online reporting system in either asp or php both connected to their corresponding database SQL/ My SQL

Which option is better I am thinking that this could become quite large and My SQL is open source where I think (not sure) that SQL has a limit right of 10 Gig or something

Can someone shed some light on this for me which option is better and why you say so


I read the opening post differently - sounds to me like you're asking about databases.

MySQL is open source, but was recently bought by Oracle (read what you will into that) - Oracle doesn't have the greatest record with open source apps.

If you're going big and want to stay open source, look at PostgreSQL. It kicks MySQL and MS-SQL's a$$ - Oracle's too. I mean it - this DB is quick.

If I had to go with one of your picks, it would depend on the platform. Windows, I'd still pick MS-SQL - 4GB (Express) is a lot of data. Otherwise MySQL would do the job.

Of course, there's always SQLite... ;)
...I truly don't see the point in ASP.NET...

ASP.Net is 10 times better than ASP, and that is enough. In my experience it's better than Java for web apps, too. Easier, faster... does that help?

(Yes, I know, it's Microsoft - but it's mostly shared source; enough so that Mono has been able to replicate it successfully. Who owns Java? Oracle. Starting to see a pattern here.)
I read the opening post differently - sounds to me like you're asking about databases.

MySQL is open source, but was recently bought by Oracle (read what you will into that) - Oracle doesn't have the greatest record with open source apps.

If you're going big and want to stay open source, look at PostgreSQL. It kicks MySQL and MS-SQL's a$$ - Oracle's too. I mean it - this DB is quick.

If I had to go with one of your picks, it would depend on the platform. Windows, I'd still pick MS-SQL - 4GB (Express) is a lot of data. Otherwise MySQL would do the job.

Of course, there's always SQLite... ;)
This has been my experience also, except that I haven't ever used SQLite but IMHO PostgreSQL is far superior to all other DBs, haven't compared it to Oracle or DB2 however.

But I have been told (by some people that work at financial institutions :) )that there are situations where all DBs fail and DB2 keeps going, hard to verify considering the price tag.
ASP.Net is 10 times better than ASP, and that is enough. In my experience it's better than Java for web apps, too. Easier, faster... does that help?

(Yes, I know, it's Microsoft - but it's mostly shared source; enough so that Mono has been able to replicate it successfully. Who owns Java? Oracle. Starting to see a pattern here.)
Easier yes, Faster, maybe to develop yes. Faster operation however I doubt as Java is much faster than C# even on current benchmarks.

Also remember Java's target platform is Enterprise. There objectives are maintenance (or maintainable code), stability, horizontal scaling and performance. All of which you'll find are far superior on Java EE.
However I said I was biased. I've worked on both but just in terms of those objectives IMHO ASP.NET is just not on par.

Unfortunately you'll be hard pressed to find modern benchmarks of either so it is hard to confirm, I'll say this however, all large corporations in SA use Java EE (apart from MS obviously :p ). IMHO for a reason.

This is also based on what I've learned, for example while I was still studying full time a guy from Absa came over to tell us about their IT operations (more from security point of view), one thin he told us is, they ran on .NET which was completely unstable and thereafter they moved to Java EE (and obviously they still run Java EE).

But back to what the OP asked: IMHO PHP is faster than .NET and easier also.
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This has been my experience also, except that I haven't ever used SQLite but IMHO PostgreSQL is far superior to all other DBs, haven't compared it to Oracle or DB2 however.

But I have been told (by some people that work at financial institutions :) )that there are situations where all DBs fail and DB2 keeps going, hard to verify considering the price tag.
We had a database on Oracle (huge - we're talking a massive cellular provider's call data) that we replicated on PostgreSQL. Oracle ran on a quad-core Sun server, PostGreSQL/FreeBSD on a PC. PostgreSQL ran a query in 5 seconds - the same query took several minutes on Oracle. :D
Easier yes, Faster, maybe to develop yes. Faster operation however I doubt as Java is much faster than C# even on current benchmarks.

Also remember Java's target platform is Enterprise. There objectives are maintenance (or maintainable code), stability, horizontal scaling and performance. All of which you'll find are far superior on Java EE.
However I said I was biased. I've worked on both but just in terms of those objectives IMHO ASP.NET is just not on par.

Unfortunately you'll be hard pressed to find modern benchmarks of either so it is hard to confirm, I'll say this however, all large corporations in SA use Java EE (apart from MS obviously :p ). IMHO for a reason.

This is also based on what I've learned, for example while I was still studying full time a guy from Absa came over to tell us about their IT operations and told us they ran on .NET which was completely unstable and thereafter they moved to Java EE (and obviously they still run Java EE)

Granted, but I'm talking specifically web here (ASP.Net). Back-end, Java EE is somewhat difficult to code for, but it works (very) well once the code is stable. I see that in the company I work for. We use Java EE back-end (although SAP is involved, which might skew perceptions somewhat), and ASP.Net for web front-ends (and C# for our Windows clients). I've seen this done in several other companies as well.

Biased? Me too. ;) I take it you worked on Java first? I worked on it second...
Biased? Me too. ;) I take it you worked on Java first? I worked on it second...

Actually no :p I started with ASP.NET, did the whole 3 tier design thing there (MS refers to it as Data Access Layer, Business Logic Layer and Application Layer). I wasn't terrible, just when I moved to Java it was like woooahh :p

As for SAP. No need to tell me twice, I haven't personally worked with it, we use Java EE and mainframes (haha), but I've seen enough of SAP to know it is terrible. I especially like how SAP needs like 2 years just to roll out (eg. configure) once you commit to it.
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oh dear... not another one of these threads. I'll do my best not to post an opinion in here... we all know where that leads:p
But back to what the OP asked: IMHO PHP is faster than .NET and easier also.


This just another religious war, by the way .Net is a framework uncomparable to PHP (a language) and it uses on code compilation and not interpretation like PHP. CS101 - checkout, "compiled vs interpreted languages".
Thanks for all the comments I have decided to go with open source PostgreSQL as I am afraid I will reach the limits though on sql r2 supposedly it is then 10 Gig right
This just another religious war, by the way .Net is a framework uncomparable to PHP (a language) and it uses on code compilation and not interpretation like PHP. CS101 - checkout, "compiled vs interpreted languages".

Your comparisons are a bit low level there but I'll indulge.

Firstly .NET is compiled to CIL (Common Intermediate Language) which is still interpreted by the virtual machine. That is also why a .NET application cannot and will never run without the .NET framework installed. Secondly

Lastly, if you ever made it past CS101, to CS3-- where they teach you about programming languages you'd know it isn't as clear cut as comparing compiled VS interpreted.
Compliments of the season, dude. :)
Same to you! Need to catch you on Skype one evening soon though...

oh dear... not another one of these threads. I'll do my best not to post an opinion in here... we all know where that leads:p
That's why I didn't voice my opinion either. Each platform will always have their die-hard followers, regardless of any objective views given by pretty much anyone. I do hate SAP though, but seeing as it's not really a development platform it can happily be excluded from any future platform-comparison threads. :)
ze Germans vill not be pleased... :twisted:

I personally love developing in SAP.
Oh dear. Germans might bring mention of Nazis or Hitler, so according to Godwin's Law this thread is now defunct.

You just like SAP because SAP "developers" get pad tons of cash due to their shortage in the market. Face it, SAP will die out soon enough only to be replaced by more stable, configurable ERPs. :p
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