Mweb, what do you define as throttling - Is it like Telkom's old throttling - limited speeds during the day? In that case you can keep it
“Whilst MWEB has always promoted an unthrottled, uncapped connection as being the best way to experience the Internet, we have recognised that there is some demand for cheaper, throttled uncapped accounts and have therefore extended our product range to cater for this,” said Derek Hershaw, CEO of MWEB ISP. <---- Not sure what they smoking these days at mweb as had the 2mbps being an unthrottled account, i was going to immediately upgrade from 1mbps to 2 mbps and consider the 4mbps in a couple of months (as I was quiet happy with Mweb 1mbps). I for one know my data usage would not have significantly increased due to the increase in speed.
Guess its time now to give Telkom Internet a try and see how that goes, Mweb could have got more business from me, but it seems they going backwards