they should update their website... latest / current catalogue still shows 'old' prices...
so you look at cataloge, decide on new contract, based on what u willing to spend...and next month... "surprise!"
still sucks that they can bind you to a 24mo contract, and then up the prices to hearts content. should really keep prices as at signing of contract for the duration of it.
i guess thats the punishment for going contract
These backroom agreements must be investigated.
So freaking glad to be going prepaid from May! screw all the telecom operators!
Why is everyone so keen to go to prepaid? Am I missing something? Is the prepaid rate cheaper than contract?
19 years ago it was cheaper to be on contract per minute, than prepaid minutes?!
Why is everyone so keen to go to prepaid? Am I missing something? Is the prepaid rate cheaper than contract?
19 years ago it was cheaper to be on contract per minute, than prepaid minutes?!
Why is everyone so keen to go to prepaid? Am I missing something? Is the prepaid rate cheaper than contract?
19 years ago it was cheaper to be on contract per minute, than prepaid minutes?!
What they said. We that have contracts pay more because we get a nice new shiny phone that gets subsidised. So instead of paying R15000 for a S6Edge we pay around about R12000 but all the expensive calls, data and sms's makes up for the R3000 that they subsidise.
So yeah, It's better to be on prepaid and buy your own phone cash.
Yup, on the MTN site they have different prices too. Under MyChoice they still show the myChoice 200 as R279 for example but the last price of it was R229 per month. You only see the new price under the "shop" section.