SA online professionals are branching out

¯\(0_o)/¯ ... never heard of these guys, but then again, they're not in the sciences/telecomms.
yea its because of the k@k service we get in SA. now every fool wants to start his own business without realizing that the customer needs service more than product availability....
inspiring to know how locals are moving up in the digital world. respect to these guys
great article
knowing some of these ppl i can say it sometimes a case of being a one-eyed king in the land of the blind. A few lucky individuals with online experience try to monetise their expertise.
but the level of that expertise is very limited to SA and the size of the ego is sometimes massive. i wouldn't call these guys entrepreneurs though, more opportunists... lets' see what long term value they manage to build with their companies
Wonder why Duncan McCloud was not mentioned - "Techcentral" & "ZATechshow" ???
Wonder why Duncan McCloud was not mentioned - "Techcentral" & "ZATechshow" ???

Because Techcentral is a competing site and we wouldn't want people to realise there is actually a tech site with real (well written) articles, now would we? Imagine if mybb had to spend some of it's ad revenue on real content rather than rehashed cr@p. That wouldn't make rpm very happy now would it?

Advice to Techcentral, create a place for a 'select group' of people to whine about how 'backward' SA is, then you'll get lot's of users.
So what successes have these fellows had outside of their comfort zone? Any links to actual successes?
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