Seller/Buyer Feedback: Your Input Needed

You welcome to return my phones and I will refund you once I resell them. @ben M if you don’t want it this you decide otherwise I will send the chargers you decide
You welcome to return my phones and I will refund you once I resell them. @ben M if you don’t want it this you decide otherwise I will send the chargers you decide

Why would you need to resell them first? In fact, why not just give the guy the things you promised before you got his money?
Geez this guy is slimy! He agrees on a price and accessories, then gets a better offer, so tries to get more money from the buyer and suddenly he has to go buy chargers that he says he had? Doesn't matter what the buyer wants to do with them. You agree on something, you stick to your agreement or get called out on it.
when posting an ad I dont have an option to insert images. Please assist
Splendid deal with @NoJ and the PS4 Pro that I bought from him. Will definitely vouch for him as he was very accommodating with me arranging a courier to collect from him. Item arrived in perfect condition :thumbsup:
Bought a ITX PC from Rouxenator. Immaculately prepared and condition
Nice to meet in person, even if it was the Western Cape's coldest day this year
Thanks for driving out all the way to Stellies - and you got to see snow too ;)
Pleasure to do business with you.
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