Telkom fixed-line shocker - Biggest subscriber drop ever

All that went to mobile operators?
I don't think so ... this is what has happened to 13 small (5-20 people) businesses I support. Telkom calls up says we are killing your analog lines and adsl line, we have fibre in your area can we move you over to fibre. Small business says - I have a analog pabx what will I do, telkom sales person shrugs, offers LTE handsets. Small business owner comes to me - 5 times out of 10 we go for a fiber plus VOIP solution thats not on Openserve and 4 times out of 10 we go for Openserver fiber but with bandwidth and voip services through another provider. These are people whose average bill was about 5000 a month that telkom forced to move to another service provider, in some cases people I had been trying to convince to move to fibre for years only to be told the existing infrastructure is fine, why spend money etc. So a 5000 bill becomes R600 fibre bill ... Also if you look at people like my parents. They wanted to keep their analog number, the telkom lte device supplied 4 years ago hardly works so last year we ported the analog number to a VOIP provider and their fibre is via vumatel and vox, so while I guess thats only 1 line @ R250 a month plus 3 or 4 calls its still a loss.
Only happy fixed line subscriber on the forum is me :p

It just works, I heard the areas around with me with fibre, actually get congested sometimes. So pretty happy with 40mps vdsl line.
I don't think so ... this is what has happened to 13 small (5-20 people) businesses I support. Telkom calls up says we are killing your analog lines and adsl line, we have fibre in your area can we move you over to fibre. Small business says - I have a analog pabx what will I do, telkom sales person shrugs, offers LTE handsets. Small business owner comes to me - 5 times out of 10 we go for a fiber plus VOIP solution thats not on Openserve and 4 times out of 10 we go for Openserver fiber but with bandwidth and voip services through another provider. These are people whose average bill was about 5000 a month that telkom forced to move to another service provider, in some cases people I had been trying to convince to move to fibre for years only to be told the existing infrastructure is fine, why spend money etc. So a 5000 bill becomes R600 fibre bill ... Also if you look at people like my parents. They wanted to keep their analog number, the telkom lte device supplied 4 years ago hardly works so last year we ported the analog number to a VOIP provider and their fibre is via vumatel and vox, so while I guess thats only 1 line @ R250 a month plus 3 or 4 calls its still a loss.
This, sorted out a couple of friend's businesses like this, moving to switchtel on fiber with an LTE backup as well, costs went down by a few thousand a month.
Mmmm.... Used to work for these suckers years ago. Unfortunately they are only profit orientated. No after sales service. They appoint people who has no idea, set unreasonable targets for their sales people and only have JHB, PTA, CT, PE, DBN in their sites, because that's where the money is. NC, FC and Limpopo not in their sites. Also there is way too much red tape. Not sorry for them. They can't even organize a P***Up if they stand in a brewery.
This, sorted out a couple of friend's businesses like this, moving to switchtel on fiber with an LTE backup as well, costs went down by a few thousand a month.
Not only do the fixed costs drop (one client fixed costs were at R 3000 for lines, plus trunks plus ISDN they hadn't used in 15 years to around R150 a month) but ALL that money went to a different service provider. Telkom isn't even offering VOIP to small business - in every case when asked what the business should do when the analog lines were cancelled the once was to move to fixed LTE phones. Now I know these business are small but they still want to have a reception person or have everyone answer the external call on the main number at their desk.
Only happy fixed line subscriber on the forum is me :p

It just works, I heard the areas around with me with fibre, actually get congested sometimes. So pretty happy with 40mps vdsl line.
GTX in almost every case of people on analog lines we moved over at a business level - they were happy with their fixed lines, they only moved because a telkom person physically came to their office and said - move to fiber because we are discontinuing your analog lines. These are normally older people, extremely resistant to change, they would never have moved except in the exceptional circumstances of a company coming to them and actively saying screw you and your business we don't want small fry like you go get voice somewhere else.
I don't think so ... this is what has happened to 13 small (5-20 people) businesses I support. Telkom calls up says we are killing your analog lines and adsl line, we have fibre in your area can we move you over to fibre. Small business says - I have a analog pabx what will I do, telkom sales person shrugs, offers LTE handsets. Small business owner comes to me - 5 times out of 10 we go for a fiber plus VOIP solution thats not on Openserve and 4 times out of 10 we go for Openserver fiber but with bandwidth and voip services through another provider. These are people whose average bill was about 5000 a month that telkom forced to move to another service provider, in some cases people I had been trying to convince to move to fibre for years only to be told the existing infrastructure is fine, why spend money etc. So a 5000 bill becomes R600 fibre bill ... Also if you look at people like my parents. They wanted to keep their analog number, the telkom lte device supplied 4 years ago hardly works so last year we ported the analog number to a VOIP provider and their fibre is via vumatel and vox, so while I guess thats only 1 line @ R250 a month plus 3 or 4 calls its still a loss.
Telkom really has shot themselves in the feet with both barrels!!
They hired a consultant who came up with the idiotic idea of canceling their clients. They blindly followed, realized what a total epic mistake that was and backtracked immediately.

Too late though.

They committed suicide.
So they had their chance to do the right thing years ago... aka naked adsl etc (keep customers happy). But no.

Well I canned my adsl (and landline). And so did my parents (after 30 years). 5G for me and Fibre for parents. Cheers Telkom. Hopefully I never have to do business with them ever again.
I was very pleased to jump when I did. Glad to get myself free from Telekom. Loving prepaid mobile service. There are so many ways of communicating you don't need a fixed line. I started 20 years ago with dial up with a bill close to R1 000 per month, now I am paying R1 000 for TV services, internet, phone, data and video for the same price. It's a bargain of bargains.
I don't think so ... this is what has happened to 13 small (5-20 people) businesses I support. Telkom calls up says we are killing your analog lines and adsl line, we have fibre in your area can we move you over to fibre. Small business says - I have a analog pabx what will I do, telkom sales person shrugs, offers LTE handsets. Small business owner comes to me - 5 times out of 10 we go for a fiber plus VOIP solution thats not on Openserve and 4 times out of 10 we go for Openserver fiber but with bandwidth and voip services through another provider. These are people whose average bill was about 5000 a month that telkom forced to move to another service provider, in some cases people I had been trying to convince to move to fibre for years only to be told the existing infrastructure is fine, why spend money etc. So a 5000 bill becomes R600 fibre bill ... Also if you look at people like my parents. They wanted to keep their analog number, the telkom lte device supplied 4 years ago hardly works so last year we ported the analog number to a VOIP provider and their fibre is via vumatel and vox, so while I guess thats only 1 line @ R250 a month plus 3 or 4 calls its still a loss.
Same here
Some went to SIP on Fibre
In laws switched to Freshphone + number port - saved R300pm
Friends business R2500pm PBX (2 in lines + Main + 2 Ext) switched to
Yealink TW53W + DD10K R3300 once off (main)​
2xW56h R1,500 each, R3000 once off​
Havex VOIP R200pm for calls + number port​
Fibre 800pm​
Saved ~R11,000 in first year
Will saved R18,000 2nd year
Plus they now have Internet which they did not have before.
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