Vodafone running Vodacom has no calculator memory?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2017
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Johannesburg North/East
When away from the PC, and hand-held Scientific calculator not with me, I find the cell phone's calculator useful as a 'stand-in' calculator for electronic equations, with one drawback - no [M] emory buttons seem apparent.
When doing complex equations, a memory is useful for storing a 'constant' to come back to later.
Is there a secret trick to this, or is there a er.. "loss of memory" :whistling:
Phone is a Vodafone 786 'Smart-4-Mini'.
Crappy calculator, rotate the phone to the landscape view (surprise?) or download something better from the store. I prefer RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator for electronics, the fastest, the most intuitive way. When you want to store the value of partial formula, push it on the stack and pull when you want to use it. Today you can also find a formula calculator, where you can create formula and store it for generic use, then assign replacement variables with current values to create a final result.
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